Dude! Can live get any worse!

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I woke up feeling...strange...like worse than last time I woke up. I felt all around and nothing seemed out of place. ' thank god! ' I thought but I noticed Ben and the others where all on the ground. I gasped and went right to Ben.

 " Ben! Sweetie please get up. Ben? " I shook him but he still didn't wake up. I flipped him over and saw the blood that was from his eyes when he was pissed. I looked lower and saw his heart was ripped out. I backed up but fell. " Oww! " I looked to see what I tripped on and found Jeff was the same way. I looked over and saw that Eyeless was missing his kidneys? Slender had his tenticals ripped off and his heart out, Sally had hers ripped out, Laughing had his out. I looked down and saw I was bloody...what happened?

 " L-li.." I heard Jeff croak. I sat on my knees right by him.

 " Jeff! What happened?! " I asked as I reached over for his heart that I found right next to him. He looked at me oddly.

 " You...h-happened." He said I took my stitches out and sowed his heart back in place. I then felt him take his last breath and looked at his face. He was gone. I buried my head in his stomach and cried. Did I really do all of this? I calmed down a bit and did the same to everyone...exept Slender. I went to town and got a wheel thing and put them all in and took them home. I put them all in there beds and then sat next to Ben. I brushed his hair away from his pale skin. I washed away the blood and took this chance to take in what he looks like.

 His pointy-ish elf ears stuck out of his blonde hair. His eyes closed but when not black with red pupils and blood that spilled from them replacing tears and showing he was mad. His skin fare and delicate. His torso buff but lean and skinny enough to see ribs at certain angles. He was a very handsome man. And if he wasn't a creepypasta then he would have girl begging for him. Like when we go to town for things.

 I was snapped out of it when Ben chuckled and said.

 " Like what you see? " He asked I grinned and nodded my head and hugged him carefully. " I love you Lilac...I haven't told you enough and just remember no matter that I always will. " He said and then kissed me gently.

 " Me to...what happened back there? " I asked. When I did he seemed to become afraid to even look at me.

 " Well..you know what happened the day you stabbed me? " I nodded, " That happened again only...it wasn't Slender's fault. It seems there is something inside of you that makes you do that...something Slender woke up and wants to get revenge for being woken up. " He told. I sat on the edge of the bed with my back facing him and stuffed my face inside of my hands and cried at what I had done.

 " So...it really was me.. " I said quietly. Ben got up and sat beside me obviously in pain.

 " Like I said no matter what I will always love you Li. And this wont make me stop. Even if you kill me without knowing I will still love you in the after life. " He said as he side-hugged me like he did the day we met. " Ohh and nice job with your dad Lovely Li. " He chuckled and kissed my forehead. I giggled and kissed his cheek. I heard a loud groan and ran out to it. Jeff was awake and wining about the pain.

 " Jeff calm down moveing just makes it worse. Just...ignore it. " I said as I laid him back down. I heard someone come up behind me and saw Ben limping in. " Ben! Go back to bed! " I ordered. I heard more groans and yelled out the doorway, " Lay back down and rest people! ANd calm down!! " Ben flinched and so did Jeff. " Sorry..." I said blushing.

 " Well if I need someone to deften some one I know who to find..." Jeff joked. I looked at him and he laid down. I smiled and took Ben by the arm carefully and led him back to his room. For a week or two everything was fine, all of them where getting better, I met Seed Eater and Splendor Man, everything was great...until it happened again... and I had to do it all over again :/...and then they all where getting better and then it happened AGAIN!

 " Lilac I think you should go away for a bit..." Splendor said. Tears came to my eyes and within an hour I was kicked out...literally! I was alone...again only this time I couldn't go back and I had to stay away...life sucks!

~~ Ello! How are you guys?? Sorry I spell Splendor wrong I may forget the N so...yea thanks for the reads and hope you like it! <3 ya!...my arm hurts...stupid archery xD ~~~

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