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Zoe: Hey Con

Zoe: Mom keeps nagging about where you are so can ya like shut her up by replying to this

2 missed calls

Zoe: yknow what fuck you too

When I looked up, I saw Y/N slamming her pen on the carpet of her room.
"Are you gonna answer that?" She asked, annoyed.

"Nope," I replied, leaning back on the wall behind me. "I like making her pissed."

She sighed and picked up her pen. "Did you get some work done? I didn't carry that heavy textbook for nothing."

"You brought the science textbook?" I asked, a little shocked. I didn't think she was actually gonna take this project seriously.

"Listen here Murphy," She stood up, "If this isn't done, my science grade will go from Chloe's ego to Brooke's IQ. It'll bring your grade up too."

I could feel her glaring at me after I snorted.

"Come on, Connor!"

I stood up too, "Hey, we just got back from the hell-hole they call school. We didn't even take a break and you already have the sheet almost completely filled out. You know this isn't due tomorrow."

Y/N held her head, "Yea, you're right I guess."

"You guess?"

"I know." She smiled and sat down on her bed. I could hear the tiredness in her voice. "Connor?"

"What?" I looked up from my sheet of paper.

"Are you still high?"

I laughed a little, "No, I don't think so."
It felt odd to naturally laugh. It's probably been a while.

"Your laugh," I heard her say randomly. Can she read my fucking mind now?

"What about it?" I asked.

"Ah, shit, sorry, it just sounds unique."

I scoffed, "Unique?" Was that a compliment? I didn't think about it too much, but that was the nicest thing I've heard all day.

"Alright, alright, I wanna get back to work again." She got up and grabbed the textbook and papers.

"Dammit Y/N."

We worked for another two hours into the day and got a few things done. "You think we'll be able to turn this in early?"

Y/N sat up from her spot and rubbed her head again, "Hopefully. I hate projects, seriously."

"You hate school in general." I corrected, standing up and stretching. I checked the time, 5:45. Not long after, we heard the garage door open.

"My dad's home." Y/N stated. "I'm gonna ask him something real quick. You can just stay here." She quickly got off her bed and rushed downstairs. I decided to take the time and actually answer the little demon's texts and calls.

I rang Zoe and it didn't take too long for her to respond.

"About time," I heard her say, "Where are you?"

"Since when did you care about where I am?" I asked.

"Mom isn't too worried anymore, but she still wants to know where you are."

The door suddenly opened behind me. "I'm back." Y/N said. "Who ya talkin to?"

I guess Zoe heard it too because she asked, "Oh my god, are you at Y/N's place?"

"Hey Zo!" Y/N greeted as she came closer to me.

"What are you guys doin?" Zoe asked curiously. "You guys aren't.. you know."

My eyes widened and so did Y/N's. "NO!" We both yelled in unison. I did the talking and explained that we had a project to work on. Minutes passed with little conversation and Zoe finally ended the call.

"Bitch." I muttered as I set my phone down in my bag.

"Connor, she's your sister." Y/N said.

I looked over at her, annoyed. "She's a pest. I should get going before my mom flips the fuck out again."

Y/N laughed, "Don't blame her for worrying." She proceeded to clean up her own stuff. "See you tomorrow."

"See you."

I made my way downstairs and saw a tall figure in the kitchen. He turned around and looked directly at me. To my surprise, he smiled. "You must be Connor." He said. "I'm Y/N's dad."

"I figured." I replied nervously, gripping the strap of my bag.

"Nice to know that she's got a friend to lean on now. I'm not always here." He set his can of soda down. "I'm sorry, I'm probably holding you up. Have a nice day. Nice to meet you."

"You too." I replied. Quickly, I opened the door and shut it once I was out. I started for home until my phone rang again. When I held it up to my ear, I was relieved it wasn't my mom, dad, or Zoe.

"Hey," I heard Y/N's voice through the device. "You left your notebook."

Groaning I replied, "Dammit, I knew I was forgetting something. Can you just transfer the science notes in there?"

She sighed. "Really?"


"Okay. Fine. Damn you, Murphy." I heard her laugh a little before ending the call. Smiling like an idiot, I put my phone back in my pocket and walked home with my heart beating against my chest like a drum.


I cannot write endings to save my life so I apologize if it was pretty rushed.
Hope you enjoyed this chapter :D

~Weird~   Connor Murphy x Reader (DEH)[COMPLETE]Where stories live. Discover now