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It didn't take long for our "spot" to become our meeting/hang out place. I had to admit, I was hesitant about sharing it, especially if they weren't trustworthy.

Connor seems like I could trust him, though.
Well, we're friends. We're supposed to trust each other.

As my foot hit the gravelly and partly grass-covered surface of the side of the school, I heard mumbling, followed by shaking breaths.

"Connor..?" I immediately snapped my head towards the guy. He sat stiffly against the brick wall a couple feet away from the door. His gaze was fixed on nothing in particular.

His eyes narrowed towards me as I walked over. "Hey."

"Did something happen?" I asked, kneeling down next to him. "You can tell me if you want, y'know."

Connor gave me a look, like he's never heard that sentence before in his life. "God, I don't know if you'd understand."

I bit my lip. "Maybe I won't, maybe I will."

He slowly closed his almost bloodshot eyes, and opened them back up again. Reluctantly, he opened his mouth to speak.


All of us stayed where we were, heads down and impatiently waiting for an idea for something to do. Our prom already went downhill, not that we were surprised. Anything would've been entertaining at this point.

But then again, it was nice to have company and not be alone. We were all on the same shitty prom boat.
Connor had already taken off the cloth wrapped around his hand even though I insisted he keep it on just in case.

The summer wind blew once again, making the leaves on the trees above us dance. I looked at Evan, who was lost in thought and seemed to admire them but tried to hide it.
Later on, Michael, Jeremy, and a still pissed off Gianna decided to leave, and we were left with Zoe and Evan.

"Should we just head back to the house?" Zoe suggested, standing up from her seat and ruffling her dress.

"What do you think Mom's gonna say? She'll keep nagging us about what happened and stuff."

His sister turned to Evan. "Babe, what do you wanna do?"

The boy with sandy hair snapped back from his daydream and nervously tried to respond. "I- uh, I mean... It- it doesn't r-really matter."

"Are you sure?"

He nodded and smiled. "Yea. We can, if you want to. I'm okay with anything. We can even use my car if uh... Y/N and Connor wanna um do something else if they don't wanna come with us."

Connor turned to him, surprised. "Really? You'd do that?"

"Thanks Evan," I thanked him as I gave the guy a grin.

The couple glanced at each other before looking back at us. "So what are you guys gonna do?" Zoe asked. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Connor give Evan a look that screamed 'If you do anything to my sister I'll be sure as hell to rip your fucking face off'

Like one of those looks.

"We'll just figure something out." He said as I turned to him.

"Like always." I added.

The two left and disappeared into the parking lot, quietly giggling as if they were sneaking out. I watched as the car they got into drove off. Connor's eyes intently followed the vehicle as his hands twitched, itching to be clenched.

~Weird~   Connor Murphy x Reader (DEH)[COMPLETE]Where stories live. Discover now