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I want you
I'll color me blue
Anything it takes to make you stay
Only seeing myself
When I'm looking up at you


It really felt like the rest of the world faded away. Y/N clung onto me for the rest of the song, and she held on tightly.

I didn't think I'd matter this much to anyone. I didn't think I'd be wrapping my arms around someone like Y/N who needed me.
I didn't think anyone needed me, but I guess we just need each other.

"How cliche is this?" I asked jokingly.

"So fucking cliche," Y/N laughed and lifted her head off me as we still swayed to the song. "Do you mind it, though?"

"Do you?"

She smiled sheepishly, "Not really."

"Me neither then."

Before the song came to an end, I stared deeply into her eyes, easily getting lost in them. The same thing probably popped into our mind because we both leaned in and gingerly kissed each other. I cupped her cheek that was illuminated by the light slightly, as if she was so fragile. My heart beat against my chest harder than ever before.

Y/N opened her eyes as I pulled back. She started to smile, and then laugh slightly, her eyes shining. "How cliche." She joked with her hands still resting on my shoulders.

"I know right?" I chuckled. "Shit," I winced a little as I felt a little weight on my toe. Looking down, Y/N's foot stumbled and she held on tighter.

"Fuck, I'm sorry." Y/N quickly apologized as she managed to straighten up. "I told you can't dance like a normal human being."

"My god you're relatable," I sighed as we watched the lights change colors to fit the mood of the new song. When I looked back at Y/N, two other figures walked up behind her. I could tell one of them was Michael Mell and another girl who was new here.

Y/N also recognized them too. "Hey Gianna- ow,"

"Well well well if it isn't L/N and Murphy," One girl chuckled as she threw her arm around Y/N.

Michael soon nudged her shoulder. "Name a better love story, I'll wait." He teased. "Hey, we're gonna go take pictures in the photo booth over there, wanna come with us?"

Y/N nervously scratched the back of her neck. "I mean, sure, why not?"

The other girl, Gianna I think, looked back at me. "You're coming too, right?"

Raising an eyebrow in shock, I began to ask, "Wha-"

Y/N, smirking, took my arm and led me to follow the other two. "Let's go, Murphy. We did leave the house for this." She joked, making me smile a little. The four of us stopped in front of a tall photo booth and waited for the group in front of us to stumble out.


The second the pictures were printed out, we immediately snatched them from the machine and raced to the bleachers on the other side of the room.  We all had our own copy of the pictures.

Once we got there and settled down, Gianna snorted and pointed to a picture with me and Michael in it. "What kind of faces are you guys making?"

I scanned the picture and smirked. "I can't speak for Michael but that's just what I look like when I'm high."

~Weird~   Connor Murphy x Reader (DEH)[COMPLETE]Where stories live. Discover now