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As soon as the car stopped, I got out and looked back at Connor. "I had fun, thanks Connor." He smiled a bit and nodded back at me.

"See you on Monday?" he asked.

I nodded, "Yea, see you." I shut the car door and made my way inside the house. My dad greeted me from the couch.

"I was starting to get a little worried." He chuckled, "How was the dance?"

"Connor and I didn't go to the dance actually." I replied as I grinned stupidly.


"Yea, we actually went somewhere else." I smiled at the recent memory.

"What's that?" I asked as I pointed to the envelope on the table.

Dad's eyes widened a little. "Oh, it's a letter for you."

I nodded, "Cool, who's it from?" I grabbed the white envelope and almost made it to the stairs before my dad said,

"It's from your mother."

My voice turned dull as I replied with "Oh."

My dad suddenly stood up. "Y/N if you could just read-"

I turned and stared at him intensely. "Why should I read anything that bitch sent?"

His voice was stern. "Y/N, she's your mother. Just read the letter. It's really for you." He opened his mouth to say something else but he stopped himself.

I wrinkled the letter in my hand and started up the stairs. "Goodnight Dad." I finally say and end the conversation.


I threw my bag down on my bed, infuriated and confused. Looking at the already wrinkled letter, I set it down on my desk and plopped down in my chair. My mom hasn't actually communicated with me for eight years, and once in a blue moon, she sends these stupid letters. The envelope seemed to mock me across my desk and I finally made myself reach for it.

I ripped it open and looked at the sloppy, handwritten letter.

Y/N, you have every right to burn and ignore this. I just want to know how you are. How is school? Are you making friends?

So now she acts like a parent?

I don't know why I write these, I actually do want to know how you are, but I don't know. Maybe this is a way of staying sane besides pot.


Before she left, my mom got in a fight for drugs and came back home with an eyepatch on, covering her permanently damaged eye. She called herself a pirate so I wouldn't get worried. She would always say that she left to go find buried treasure and that I had to stay behind because of other pirates or some bullshit. That "buried treasure" was pot and crack.

Little did she know that I knew she was sneaking out and cheating on my dad with her addicted partner.

I didn't realize hot, angry tears were racing down my face. "Dammit." My voice shook as I muttered myself.

I angrily threw away the paper as my phone vibrated in my pocket. I looked at the contact, the insanely annoying Jared Klienman. I forgot I still had his number.

Holding my phone to my ear, I kept my voice calm and said, "Hello?"

"You got stood up, didn't you?"

I had to laugh a little, "Yea, Derek's a little shit. Connor was pissed, you should've seen him." I heard some loud noises in the background, "Where are you?" I asked. It definitely wasn't the Mixer.

"Derek hosted a party, but I'm in the bathroom. They're walls are so thin, I can here people.. do stuff in the room next to me."

"But why are you in the bathroom?" I asked. "I thought you liked parties."

"Not this one," Jared explained, "It's terrible, and it's pretty crowded so I can't get to the front door."


"Anyway," he changed the subject, "When I called you, I wanted to tell you that Derek wasn't going to the dance, but I guess it's too late. And now it sounds like you're crying. Is it because of that?"

I held my head with one hand and sighed, "No, I'm just- it's nothing. I'm just crying over a fucking letter." I added a laugh at the end. "Calm down, Jared. I'm okay."

"You sure?" Jared sounded genuinely concerned, which was a bit shocking.

"I'm sure." I said. My eyes started to plot against me again. "Jared I have to go."

He ended the call after saying "bye" and I heard the door open.

He must've seen the ripped up envelope and a frustrated teenager curled up on a chair because he quickly apologized. He went over and held me in his big arms.

"I don't wanna have to force you to read those," Dad said, "but-"

"I'm okay." I assured as I let go. My eyes kept on looking at the floor.

He smiled and ruffled my hair, "You're a strong one, kiddo."

I smiled as he left my room and then I lowered the corners of my lips. My thoughts switched to what Connor said on the rooftop.

Someone really said all that about me? Why didn't I ask who it was? Who can it be? I don't think anyone stares at me that much and notices a lot.


"Holy shit," I muttered, barely above a whisper. Leaning back in my chair, I thought to myself, I'm really fricken stupid.

A/N: hallooo! i'm very sorry if this chapter seemed rushed but i have plans up ahead for it mehehehe

hope you enjoyed!

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