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TW: Derek. Just Derek. Nothing else, just him.

My hands clenched as I walked angrily down the hall, eyeing the tall and buff basketball player with tan skin. It took all of my being not to go up to him and knock the shit out of Derek.

"What are you lookin' at, beautiful?" He asked. I cringed as I just kept walking, but he followed right behind.

"Careful, she might ask you for money for her mom's business." One of his friends snickered. Not many people were paying attention this time, but it didn't make it better.

Derek probably turned back and shushed them. "Shh," He started to walk beside me. The class is just down the hall, I can make it.

"Come on babe, I'm sorry," He apologized, sounding far from sincere.

I stopped, not taking it anymore. "Sorry for what? Announcing to the whole entire fucking world my mom's a dealer?"

Derek chuckled, "Come on babe, don't be like that," He leaned in and I could feel his breath.

"I have a name and it's Y/N," I retorted back as I forced him away. I suddenly pushed him away hard, and to my surprise, he actually fell back. Derek's little gang rushed to his pathetic aid, and he tried to give me a threatening stare.

Yea, Derek is just such a nice guy.

After proudly flipping him off, I turned and journeyed to the classroom that should've been closer. I stopped again when I heard someone curse at their locker. Connor brushed the hair out of his face in frustration as he tried his combination again. He muttered to himself as I walked over with an odd newfound pride from knocking some sense into Derek.

"Need help?" I asked with an awkward smile. He groaned and backed away, allowing me to examine the locker.

"I thought your locker number was 320,"

"It is," he replied, his expression remaining blank.

"This is locker number 319," I said with a slight giggle.

"Oh," he stepped over to his own locker without saying anything else. I chuckled as his cheeks turned a bit pink. "It's not funny.." he said, biting his lip. Connor grabbed his things and slammed his locker shut before I said anything else.


I began to lock up the cash register and set down a towel, still noticing the smell of ice cream lingering in the air. I was alone in the store and the only sound was the rain hitting the roof and sidewalk, creating light beats.

Christine stumbled out of the storage room and leaned back exhaustedly against the wall. Chuckling at her clumsiness, I say, "You can go ahead and leave, It's my turn to close up anyway."

"Are you sure?" She asked as she closed the storage door.

I pointed at her, "Hey, you said you had play rehearsal later today. Your shift is over, so you shouldn't be held back. You can go." I insisted.

She giggled, "Yea, thanks Y/N." The black-haired girl turned off one of the lights, grabbed her things, and waltzed out, looking relieved as ever. "See ya!"


Minutes later, I began to find the keys to the freezer until the bell rang at the entrance, signaling that someone else had come in. The boy with dirty blonde hair stepped in and quickly scanned the room before making eye contact with me. I smiled, recognizing him because of his cast.

Evan stuttered nervously, "Oh, I, I didn't know you were um, c-closing up,"

Checking the time, I unlocked the cash register again. "It's alright, take your time and order when you're ready."

He stepped forward, fiddling with the hem of his shirt. "I'm actually waiting for someone."

I was surprised, to be honest. Evan Hansen was always in solitude. "Who are you waiting for?"

"I uh- Zoe. Zoe Murphy." He quickly said, looking at his left arm and blushing. My smile grew too as I noticed Connor's name written largely on his cast.

Another figure came rushing in with an umbrella. She brushed her hair from her slightly wet face. "Speak of the devil," I whispered to Evan as we both turned to Zoe.

"I um, I didn't know i-it started to rain." Evan rushed through his sentence. He hesitated before he helped her with her coat. She smiled at the gesture and turned to him.

"It just came pouring down like, out of nowhere!" Zoe excitedly said, looking around. "Huh, no one's here."

"That's because I was about to close," I explained as I turned on most of the lights.

"Shit, sorry," She apologized. "I guess I didn't check the time before-"

I shook my head, "No worries, seriously," I assured them. "Take your time and order up when you're ready."

As long as the date goes well, keeping the store open for them will not be a problem at all.

It's obvious the date went well. The two of them walked to the entrance and grabbed their things before leaving the store. Giant smiles were plastered on both of their faces. Zoe mouthed a thank you to me before running back with Evan. After locking everything up again, I checked the time as I pulled on my sweater over my uniform. 9:25, it read.

The merciless rain poured down like a flood as I stepped out, my feet hitting various puddles. "Ah shit," I muttered, crossing my arms tightly over my sweater as if it would help keep me dry. Before I took out my phone, I realized it was dead and calling someone was no option.

What the hell was I thinking when I told myself to just walk to work?

Sighing, I began to sprint through the showers, ignoring the splashing of violent puddles and the countless raindrops pouring over me.

A/N: how to write rain really dramatically 101 lol

yay evan and zoe :-D

anyway, hope you enjoyed this :-)

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