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A/N: hey! see that song up there? yea, you don't have to play it, but if you do, there'll be a little note in bold telling you when to :)


1 hour later

Me: con it's okay..



Me: okay just

Me: i'm already here so..

Connor: i'm sorry

Connor: i'm so fucking sorry

I couldn't lie, I was only a little disappointed. But hey, you can't really do anything about it. It wasn't even his fault.

Me: it's okay connor

Me: if you think it's your fault you better fucking stop because it's not

My bottom was starting to hurt from the hard metal bleachers so I got up, made my way through the dancing crowd, and traveled to the snack table once again. Standing there was another student, nervously adjusting his suit.


"Oh! Hi, uhm.." He stammered.

I smiled. "Y/N,"

"Right, yes, Y/N."

"Waiting for Zoe?" I asked.

He kept his head down and fiddled with his light gray sleeve. "Um, yea. I am uh

"I didn't think you'd like these kinds of things."

He smiled bashfully. "Oh I um, I usually don't. I mean I do, I just don't usually go to them.."

I nodded, definitely relating. "I-uh, anyway, Connor texted me and he said they're like totally stuck in traffic. They might be a while."


"Yea," I sighed and grabbed a cup and filled it with whatever was in the drink bowl. "Sorry for probably bugging you or whate-"

"Nononono! It's um, it's okay," He chuckled. "So um, you know her brother? Connor?"

"Hm?" I looked up from the table.

"I um, never- never mind that's like none of my business. I don't know why I just, I shouldn't have asked-"

I grinned and looked down at my plastic cup. "Yea, I definitely know Connor."


"We're a thing," I tried to keep from squealing while looking up.

"Oh! Awesome!" Evan grinned. "Yea, Zoe and I are kinda, um..."

"Adorable as fuck," I finished as I took a sip. "Don't deny it, you guys really are cute."

The kid's cheeks started to turn cherry red as he chuckled. "Yea," he kept his head down in order to hide a giant smile.

After gulping down the rest of the so-called 'punch', I turned back to him. "Hey, just wondering, where's Jared? I mean you'd think he'd come over and bug the shit out of us."

Evan motioned behind me, which was where the DJ's stand was. There, Jared was rocking out like an idiot behind the table with headphones around his neck. He must've seen us because he started waving at Evan and me.

~Weird~   Connor Murphy x Reader (DEH)[COMPLETE]Where stories live. Discover now