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"Hey Con." I said as I walked over to him. He didn't reply, but instead stared outside our spot, shocked. I looked over to where he was looking and saw a janitor working around the place.

"Since when did they do that?" Connor asked. He looked over at me and I shrugged.

"Not sure," I replied, "But I did wonder what that control panel was for." I scratched the back of my neck nervously. "We should get to class though. Oh, and before I forget," I quickly dug around my back for his notebook and handed it to him. "Your notes."

"Oh, thanks," he took it from me and examined the inside.

"No problem. Let's go, we'll be late."

Connor followed after me into the building and we survived our classes until lunch. I met up with him at his dull locker.

He looked over at me. "We can't eat over there." He pointed over to the door leading to the spot.

"No shit." I mumbled.

"So what now?"

I was about to reply until another voice interrupted behind me. "You can eat in the room that you always avoid."

We turned to look over at Jared, who was leaning against the lockers. Connor glared at him.

"My god, you guys can sit with us you know." Jared explained as he adjusted his glasses. "It's not gonna hurt to eat there for a day, Y/N."

I hated that he was right. Nothing was terrible about the cafeteria, I just didn't like the atmosphere.

I looked over at Connor. "It's our only option." I explained, "I had a terrible breakfast too."

"So did I." Zoe said as she came up to us and joined the conversation. "Connor finished the milk again."

Connor shifted his glare to his sister, "Fuck off, Zoe."

I stepped in front of both of them. "Okay, we should get to the cafeteria then. I'm not wasting valuable time away from advanced math."

"You take advanced math?" Jared asked as he followed behind me.

"Yea," I replied, annoyed. "Lead the way, Klienman. Where do you usually sit?"

He walked us over to a table not too far from the only window in the room. We sat down, and I tried to get used to the seats. As I was eating my lunch, I saw a sign next to the counters that read, Cookie Day every Friday!

"They still do that?" I asked, shocked. Jared and Connor viewed the sign and then looked back at me. They stopped selling cookies because people were buying loads of them and selling them for more money. You can probably buy a certain amount now.

"I thought they stopped doing that two years ago." Connor said.

"This is the news you miss when you don't eat in the cafeteria, Y/N." Jared said with a smug look on his face. "You wanna get one while you still can?"

Quickly, I pulled money out of my pocket. "Yep, you guys want some? I still have enough money from babysitting a couple weeks ago."

"Oatmeal raisin!" Jared demanded. "Please.."

I looked at Connor. "I'm getting you one whether you like it or not."

He shook his head. "You don't have to, really. You already did my notes."

"Red velvet it is." I said as I got up and left for the cookie stand.

Jared looked at Connor dumbfounded, "She did your notes? Y/N L/N did your notes?"

Connor put his head down, his voice was muffled. "Yea. So?"

Jared mimicked his voice, "Yea so? Connor Murphy wanting NOTES!?"

I came back with an armful of cookies as Connor yelled, "Shut up, Klienman!"

Lucky for him, the cafeteria was loud enough that only a scrawny sophomore heard him. I set the cookies down proudly.

"Was only 0.99 each." I explained as I unwrapped mine and handed Jared his.

"So what happened? I was gone for like two minutes and I come back to Connor being pissed off at Jared."

I waited for a response as Jared just laughed. After cracking up, he said, "Connor got notes from you."

Raising my eyebrows, I replied, "Yea, so?"

Jared was laughing again. "Jesus, you guys are seriously made for each other. You'd be lucky if you had her, Connor." Out of the corner of my eye, I could see Connor's face turning a little a light pink.

I kicked his shin beneath the table and he stopped cackling. "Shut up Jared, they're notes, it's really not a big deal. Remember when you paid me to do yours for English?"

Connor looked at me, clearly surprised , "He paid you?!" I smiled at him in reply.

"The poor guy was a freshmen and couldn't take notes to save his life."

Klienman defended himself, "Oh whatEVER." He took a bite out of his cookie. "But the thing is, Y/N, Connor Murphy never wants notes."
Connor angrily stood up and towered over Jared.
"Shut the fuck up!"

I laughed uncomfortably, "Okay, uh, guys..?" They both turned to look at me.

"What?" They both asked. I pointed my head over to Evan sitting further down the table. Connor nervously sank back into his spot and put his head down again. I patted his back sympathetically and eyed Jared.

"Just kiss already dammit." He muttered. It was my turn to shoot him a glare. Jared tried to stifle a laugh.

"What!?" I asked, irritated.

"Your face is as red as the red velvet cookie you bought Connor."

Before I could shoot something back at him, he quickly scooted over to where Evan was sitting. Connor lifted his head as soon as he was gone.

I pouted, "I want our spot back." When I looked over at him, he nodded in agreement.

~Weird~   Connor Murphy x Reader (DEH)[COMPLETE]Where stories live. Discover now