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Connor and I definitely received some odd looks from other people at the grocery store. For the past few minutes, we've been watching lobsters fight in a lobster tank in the seafood section. I glanced over at Connor, who was focusing on one particular lobster through the glass.

He pointed to the creature that was helplessly on it's back, "That's me."

I snorted and patted his back as I turned my gaze over to two other wrestling lobsters.

"Actual wrestling is better than this," He explained as he stood up straight. "The lobsters aren't doing it right."

I stood up straight too and gave him a confusing look, "Wha- Connor," He started cracking up, "They're lobsters!" I said between my own chuckles. I didn't think that we'd be having this much fun in a grocery store, and we almost forgot what we really came for.

I looked around, "We're gonna get kicked out, we're being really loud."

Connor rocked back and forth on his feet, his eyes still on the lobster tank. "That's what she said."

"Connor I swear to god. Are you high?" I asked as I pointed accusingly at him.

"Just a little."

Instead of saying nothing, I laughed again. Maybe we were both slap happy. Scratch that, I was probably the only one. What?" He asked.

I hugged him from the side. "I love you, Connor."

"I love you too." He replied, a little surprised but sweetly as he his warm smile and put his arm around me, his voice sounding like music to my ears.

"What do you think the lobsters are thinking?" I asked.

"They're probably thinking that we're some creepy weirdos who hug a lot around tanks." He said, turning to me.

Shrugging, I say, "Well, minus the tank part that's pretty accurate." I looked back at the tank and smirked. "This was an awesome date."

"It was fucking weird too."

"Well I'm weird, so this was pretty entertaining."

I earned a small chuckle from him as we took each other's hands. Instead of the usual coldness, his hands felt warm and calm to the touch. "Let's just get what we came here for."

After taking the last grocery bag, we both headed out of the store. I took one of Connor's bags that he was struggling with. "Great Y/N, now you're making me seem weak," He grunted as he tightened his grip on two more bags.

"Well I don't know about you, but I'm pretty weak myself."

"The fuck?" He scoffed. "You literally took like two more bags from me."

"You didn't let me finish," I gazed at him once we found the car. "I'm weak for you, Connor Murphy."

Giggling as his face turned into a beet, I took his keys and unlocked the car and trunk.

It's a fact, I thought.

"Anyway," Connor said as he cleared his throat, trying his hardest to sound nonchalant, "I don't understand why my parents need so much shit. My mom most likely won't use all this stuff." He opened the trunk and immediately dropped the bags in. I followed his actions. "Seriously though, why do they need this? They don't even eat chips-"

"That's ours." I corrected while smiling like an idiot. Connor muttered an "oh" as he handed them over to me.

Once the groceries were stored in the trunk, I pulled out my phone.

"Hey," I turned to Connor, who was picking the nail polish that was still on his nails. A breath caught in my throat as I admired him.


"What? Oh right," I quickly turned on my phone and checked the time. "We have some time to spare. Wanna do something?"

"Honestly, if it involves me not going to my house, I'm up for it."

I gave him an empathetic look as he twisted his ring awkwardly. "Yea, there's um, a bookstore like right over there. I heard it's really cute and they have a cute coffee area."

His face lit up adorably like a little kid. "Then why are we still standing here?" He asked.

Moments later, we were already picking out surprisingly cheap books for ourselves. Connor stared at and held each book as if they were rare artifacts. When he started to get all enthusiastic about some of them, he acted like there was nothing wrong for a little bit.

I love hearing you talk and getting lost in your eyes.

I wanted to listen to him for hours. We both walked out of that store feeling content with a few books.

Connor started paging through one of his new ones. "That bookstore is amazing,"

"I agree," I sigh as I take another sip of my hot drink, savoring the taste. I caught a glimpse of the breathtaking sky above us. "Con, look."

His eyes met the sky. "That's pretty," he muttered.

"Yea no shit, it's fucking gorgeous."

Connor laughed slightly as he leaned his head against a pole. Raising an eyebrow at him, I asked, "What?"

"I'm just," he paused as he moved the hair out of his face, "What the fuck did I do to deserve you?"

And that itself made me feel I could fly.

"Oh stop it Con," I chuckled, fiddling with the bag and trying to ignore the fact that my cheeks were heating up.

"I'm serious Y/N," He said as he gazed at me. I met his eyes lovingly as he said, "You're just so fucking awesome and amazing and beautiful and goddammit, what the hell di-"

I decided to interrupt him by doing something I've always thought of since the night I hit my head on the empty bag of chips. Before he finished his ramble, I planted my lips on his. It was a short, and not at all perfect, but somewhat blissful kiss, and every little second our hearts were racing. I quickly pulled away and saw his eyes as wide as the world. "You talk too much."

Nothing came from him.

"Shit, I'm sorry, I- I should've asked andthatwasprobablyreallyawkward-"

It was his turn to do the same thing, and our lips touched once again. This time, it was more proper and perfect.

Connor let go and looked at me, "You talk too much," he repeated.

"Oh shush,"

We both giggled as we didn't break the gazes at each other. "What the fuck took us so long?" I asked. He smiled his tender smile, the one that showed nothing was wrong at the given moment.

"Exactly," He chuckled. "But we did it, so can I kiss you again?"

"Go for it."

And he did. I gingerly cupped his face as the rest of the world seemed to fall away.

I don't wanna trade this moment for anything else in the world.


ah finally i'm back at it againnnnn


so yea! thanks for being patient and hope you enjoyed this one :)

~Weird~   Connor Murphy x Reader (DEH)[COMPLETE]Where stories live. Discover now