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Two or three years ago

"I honestly don't understand why we can't just have a nice family vacation here." Dad, frustrated, stood up from his barstool at the counter. I glared at both my mom and dad as they argued back and forth. Like most of the time, it was about me.


I rolled my eyes as his attention shifted from Mom to me.

"Young man, I do not want you rolling your eyes at your father or me." Mom scolded, throwing a kitchen towel on the handle of the oven.

I rested my head on my hand as Dad continued with his stupid fucking ramble. "Where the hell is your sister? Both of you, we came here to have a fun time as a family-"

At least mom kept herself occupied with more dishes. "Larry, let's not bring Zoe into this."

"Well this doesn't seem very fun, does it?" I hissed as I picked at my nail polish. "Fucking hell Dad, why do you have to be on my tail at the wrong moments?"

I smirked as he shook his head. He was clearly annoyed and lacking a retort. Then he turned back towards me and pointed his finger. "I don't wanna have this conversation or anything close to it again, you hear me? End of story, is that clear?" His voice was stern as all hell, but I couldn't take it seriously. There wasn't a time where I could. I guess I was too high to even care.

Snorting and rolling my eyes, I said nothing as I kicked the barstool I was sitting on behind me. I stormed out the front entrance of the summer house.
Anger slowly grew within me, which was the worst possible timing considering the argument was already done.

So I ran. I ran to wherever was closest, which was both my abandoned hideout and the broken railroad tracks which had already closed down.

I decided with the latter since I wasn't gonna risk lighting
a cigarette and setting the old house on fire.


I decided to just head to bed early and possibly sleep off a high. When I was called downstairs, I didn't budge. One hour after the other, no one else came through the door. I don't even think anyone came upstairs. I could see why. A monster was there.


Why? Why couldn't I just fucking talk to her? Why did I just push her away like she was an old toy that didn't work?

For fucks sake, why?

Minutes turned into hours as I paid attention to the ticking clock. It wasn't soothing like the rain or loud like the music on my playlist, it was a ticking clock that I didn't get sick of.

The sky began to darken and I finally heard footsteps coming up the stairs. The knob on the room door turned and Y/N slowly stepped in. "Hey, there's a couple slices of pizza and chicken left. It's all yours if you want it. I didn't eat a lot. Wasn't really that hungry."

I breathed out "Okay," but still laid there. Sure, I couldn't pass up on pizza, but I wasn't too hungry either.

When I shut my eyes, I heard her ask, "Are you okay?"

I sighed, restraining myself from screaming. Screaming at her for asking but already knowing the damn answer. Why did I want to scream? I can't just scream at her.

"I just wanna sleep," I told her, resting my forearm over my closed eyes. It might've seemed insane to her that I would actually be sleeping early during the summer.

~Weird~   Connor Murphy x Reader (DEH)[COMPLETE]Where stories live. Discover now