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It was one of those moments that you wished never ended. Y/N and I had our 'prom' right here, at our spot. I guess it'd be the last time we'd be here. Somehow the bustling from inside could be drowned out by the small symphonies of crickets from the outside. The moon substituted for the blaring neon lights, and the wind replaced whatever distorted music would play inside.

"Y/N," I spoke.


"I called bullshit when you said you couldn't dance."

The girl looked taken aback. She lifted her head off my shoulder, her eyes wide. "What?"

Shaking my head, I said, "Oh come on, when we were out on the dance floor you danced like the whole world wasn't there!"

"But you saw me!" Y/N scoffed but smiled. "I danced so stupidly that-"

"Bullshit." I hummed.

I felt her lips slam onto mine as she interrupted me. I could already feel her smirk. Soon after, there was a muffled voice from inside the building and she pulled away.

"Wait," Y/N held up a finger, concentrating on the noises inside. "Dammit, they're calling everyone to that cramped hall."


She leaned her head forward. "Remember, the staff supervising us has a list of everyone who's here right now. They're probably making sure we're all in one place. We should probably get inside-"

"-Before they kick us out from here."
I said, standing and helping her up. There was no doubt she and I wanted to stay.

Y/N quickly opened the door and we both stepped in, scanning the angry adolescent-filled hall for a clear spot.

I tried my hardest to ignore the whispers and mutters that were specifically about me.

I guess I'm not so invisible anymore either.

"Con," Y/N turned to me as she led us to somewhere near the lockers. "Over here."

With raised eyebrows, Y/N and I stood farthest in the back of the small crowd of students, waiting for whatever announcement that was necessary. I yawned as she leaned against one of the lockers. Neither of us wanted to deal with this whole prom bullshit anymore. No one wanted to.

"Everyone, due to technical issues this prom will not continue. Refunds will be sent to you and your families as soon as possible."

Groans, sighs, complaints, and more groans filled the hallway. I even heard one guy say "Of course, how did we not see that coming?"

I looked at Y/N, who was clearly very annoyed with, well, everything.

"Wanna get out of here while we still can?"

She slightly glanced over her shoulder and answered with "Yep" with no hesitation.

"Crap, the door to our spot is blocked now. By Derek and his stupid fucking excuse of a gang specifically." I added through gritted teeth.

"Ugh, I can see that." Y/N gagged.

Then I saw Derek notice us in the middle of his conversation. He caught my girlfriend's eye and winked.

"Like what you see, babe?" He called out, slicking his hair away from his tan skin.

I snapped my head towards him. "What did you just say to my girlfriend?" I growled.

"You just have nothing better to do than to call me out, don't you?" Y/N rolled her eyes and shook her head as if she's dealt with this millions of times. Knowing her, she most likely did. "Some guy you are."

I was already fuming by the time a considerable amount of people turn to me and Y/N with looks of pity.

Oh yes,  this extra attention is definitely going to help.

Just before I was about to absolutely finish him, another person took part in the scene.

"Talk to my friends like that again, asshole!" The recognizable girl with auburn hair pushed, shoved, and probably kicked her way through the group of students blocking her way to the cocky group of jocks. A lot of people had already left, so it was easier to get around and there was more breathing space.


"Gianna?" I said quietly, along with

Another group consisting of Evan, my sister, Michael, and another kid soon made their way through as well.

Michael, who was anxiously cleaning his thick-framed glasses spoke up. "No, Gi you don't wanna do this."

"He's not worth it." Zoe explained.

"Do it Derek, I fucking dare you." The girl hissed, ignoring her own group. At that moment, almost the whole hall was just a little silent.

"God Gianna, you haven't changed a bit." The guy smirked, stepping closer as Gianna, stubborn as ever, but confident, stood her ground.

"Holy fu- okay stop!" Y/N spoke to them as she marched over. "This night's already shitty enough as it is, so let's not waste time on this asshole." She muttered the last part as she glared at the taller guy. "Let's just go."


Our group stayed quiet as we made our way to the courtyard, besides the occasional angry mutters that came from the furious Gianna. We all looked like we just ran a marathon in prom outfits.

I had to admit, angry Gianna was scary. Her hands remained clenched as her body shook with anger. She plopped down on a nearby bench and kicked at a stone.

The girl loosely held her head in her hands. "What an ass." She said, almost chuckling.

Y/N took her seat next to her. "You got that right."

"Come to think of it," The other guy with a suit that matched with Michael's, Jeremy Heere I think, began to speak. "I've never seen Gianna snap like that before."

"Reminds me of someone." Zoe muttered as she batted an eye at me.

"Fuck you!" I glared at her.

"Fuck you."

Y/N put her hands together. "Okay, Gi, what you did back there was scary." She started, getting a chuckle from others. "But it was awesome."

Gianna smiled slightly, taking in each other's comments. "I would've done that for anyone."

"Didn't he used to be nice? Or at least somewhat decent?" I asked.

Gianna's head snapped up and widened her eyes at me. "Yea, he did! I used to live next to him and-"

Michael, who was about to take out his phone, nearly dropped it when he heard the sentence. Even Evan's eyes couldn't get any wider.

"You WHAT?" The teenager with the glasses nearly screamed.

Gianna grimly nodded. "In fact, we were kinda sorta friends. I was the annoying girl next door. We even used to fly paper airplanes through each other's windows. Ugh, he used to be so nice! Then we slowly drifted apart, keeping in touch here and there. And then he started getting manipulative and mean. Derek eventually became the neighborhood jerk. Even to me. And nothing was going on at home I don't think.. His parents were great and nice to him, he got along with his siblings and all that!"

"I guess people liked him so much he used that to his advantage." Y/N suggested as she sighed.

A silence drowned us after that. All six of us stood there as people left the courtyard one by one. It seemed like the majority of them gave us stares, mostly at Gianna, me, and Y/N.

"What a night.." Evan nervously chuckled. I turned to him and nodded.

"Yea," I huffed, now meeting everyone's eyes. "What a night indeed."

~Weird~   Connor Murphy x Reader (DEH)[COMPLETE]Where stories live. Discover now