To the Beautiful You: Episode 2

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 Doc demands to know why there's a girl in an all boys' school. You and me both, good man. Jae-hee gets on the defensive but Doc says that he can tell right away with one look at her wrist.

She blusters that Doc must have it all wrong; she's definitely a guy. She runs out of the office leaving Doc with a knowing smirk.

Tae-joon sits alone in the darkened gymnasium after the failed CF shoot. Director Jang reassures him not to worry and then places the blame on herself for rushing his recovery. They'll run some more tests and then treat his injury.

I know your intentions are good but it's like placing a band-aid over a healed cut and still calling it a boo-boo.

Her phone rings and Tae-joon assures Director Jang that he's fine; it's not like he was going to be an athlete forever. He's sure something will work itself out and covers his disappointment in himself saying that he was getting sick of high jumping anyway.

He walks out.

Eun-gyul happily hops over towards Jae-hee after having heard she left the Doc's office. Concerned, he tells her that she should be more careful – one never knows how they could die.

He changes the subject, breezing that it's seems like Injury Day because Tae-joon didn't complete the high-jumping segment of the CF. He wonders if Tae-joon's ankle injury still hasn't fully recovered.

Jae-hee reacts in shock and searches for Tae-joon but he's nowhere to be found.

Dad's car pulls up next to Tae-joon and the first thing Dad does is slap him. Um, ow. Dad asks if Tae-joon purposely messed up the CF shoot to put on a show for everyone.

Tae-joon glares back – what's with Dad's sudden concern? Dad tells him that there were plenty of other ways Tae-joon could have rebelled against him rather than simply giving up. "Don't act so immature Tae-joon."

Tae-joon bites back that he'll figure out what he needs to do on his own.

Back in the room, Tae-joon remarks that Jae-hee must have no intentions to move out if her stuff is still here. Jae-hee begs to let her stay – she'll be as quiet as a mouse. He pushes her aside and when she cries in out in pain, he thinks she's faking it.

With his back to her, he says that he'll kick her out if she's louder than 40 decibels. Jae-hee belatedly realizes that it means he's letting her stay and she's as happy as a clam, even though Tae-joon mentions that it's only temporary.

He adds that it doesn't make them equals either. He's the owner of the room and well, she's nothing. When she calls him out on it, he says in a haughty playful tone, "If you don't like it, you can pack your things."

They bicker back and forth until Jae-hee finally concedes.

We peek into Tae-joon's dream where he and his father are part of his mother's funeral processional. Her date of death is July 2010 and Tae-joon places his high jumping gold medal on Mom's grave.

Oh noes – did Mom die the day you won? That would explain part of the reason why you don't want to high jump again.

Jae-hee notices Tae-joon sleeping in a fitful state and walks over to cover him with his blanket. He suddenly grabs her wrist and we see him dream of his mother smiling at him. Unconsciously, he then holds Mom/Jae-hee's hand, pulling it towards his chest.

Stuck, Jae-hee sits by his bed and comfortingly pats his blanket and we see Dream Mom doing the same.

Morning. Tae-joon blinks awake with Jae-hee's hand still in his. He jerks her hand away awkwardly when she begins to stir. She apologizes for falling asleep by his bedside and he grumbles, "Do I have to tell you where you have to sleep too?"

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