To the Beautiful You: Episode 7

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Who knew that Tae-joon could be so adorable when he's jealous? More pieces are laid down in our puzzle at Genie High. Some add up to some meaningful explanations while others throw us for another loop. There's never a boring moment at Genie High.


Kangta & Taeyeon – "7989"


 Hanna freely expresses her shock after she finds Jae-hee and Tae-joon in the gymnasium earlier, "I thought you were with some girl!"

They run into Seung-ri who tells her the school festival's over. But leave it to Hanna to do her best oppa-pout-wiggle to change his mind. That does the trick, but when he checks to make sure she won't stay after-hours, Hanna calls him an "old fogey" and charges ahead.

Eun-gyul remarks that Hanna is so brash that she'd be able to survive Armageddon. At this rate, she'd be able to crawl into the boys dormitory like a cockroach.

Jae-hee congratulates Eun-gyul at the news that he's dating Da-hae. She agrees and lets slip that Da-hae is pretty even "as a girl looking at her." Eun-gyul piques at that and once Jae-hee realizes her mistake, she covers by pointing out her wardrobe.

He takes a picture for teasing blackmail (Mhm, okay) as she leaves.

The party is in full swing when Jae-hee rejoins the group, now dressed as a boy. Hanna gets up to sing a duet with Tae-joon who refuses. The boys repeatedly chant, "Date her! Date her!" which is too much for Jae-hee to bear and she walks out.

Jae-hee shares her woes with Sangchu, pouting that she can put on a show too. So she spontaneously sings and all I can think about is how she sings as a girl while she's dressed as a boy.

This is how Tae-joon finds her, using the excuse that it was too loud inside. He notes her changed wardrobe and Jae-hee slips again that she's more comfortable dressing like this now.

Tae-joon tellingly asks, "Isn't it uncomfortable to disguise yourself like that?" She looks at herself and he covers that he means the dress. He thanks her for putting in a good word for Seung-ri which gets a smile out of her.

At a distance, Hanna fumes.

Dorm 1's plumbing system has broken down which means that they'll have to temporarily vacate the students into the other dorms. This means it'll be three to a room and Jong-min comes looking for Eun-gyul. He scowls when he learns that Eun-gyul has moved elsewhere.

Eun-gyul happily greets his new roomies, looking for his new bed. Tae-joon isn't happy about the arrangement and Eun-gyul defends, "D'you think I wanna be here?"

Cut to: Eun-gyul pleading with the Dorm 1 student to change places with him to the point where he offers his precious signed Park Ji-sung soccer ball.

Tae-joon wonders aloud how he got stuck with the kids who had nowhere else to go. Eun-gyul figures that since Tae-joon hates sharing space, he'll just bunk with Jae-hee. But Tae-joon holds him back, telling him that he has a solution: a hammock. HA.

Jae-hee offers to sleep there instead (Not making things better there) and Eun-gyul intervenes, happily hopping onto the hammock... and then falls out of it.

The students gripe about how suffocating it is to squeeze a third guy into their hotel of a dorm. Let me get you a tissue for your tears. Jong-min grumbles seeing Eun-gyul so happy with his new roommates.

I'm not sure if you can actually see anything through that telescope but kudos on a safer plan to look for Tae-joon's necklace in a raft, Jae-hee. Eun-gyul joins her in the raft and asks if this is what she's been doing everyday to search for the necklace.

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