To the Beautiful You: Episode 8

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You'd have this smile on your face too if you were this close to your idol crush. Our clueless heroine still has no idea that her crush already knows her big secret. And our hero works to make sure that no one else will catch on. Jae-hee sure makes his job difficult considering how accident prone she is. And that's just the tip of the iceberg.


Taeyeon – "가까이" (Closer) from the OST


 So Eun-gyul succumbs to his feelings, pulling Jae-hee in for a backhug. Jae-hee immediately pushes him off and asks what he's doing. Startled, Eun-gyul blusters that he was trying to surprise her. He hands her the birthday gift before running away.

He stops to catch his breath and wonders aloud – does he really like Jae-hee?

Tae-joon hastily hides the present into his bag when Jae-hee returns. They sit, waiting for the opportune moment and then get up simultaneously, presents in hand. Jae-hee is surprised that Tae-joon's remembered and he nods to the package on her desk.

As Jae-hee works to open the box, Tae-joon is all, It's okay if you don't like it... to which she says that of course she will. Tae-joon opens his and is speechless to find the necklace.

He genuinely whispers thanks and Jae-hee tells him that if there's anyone to thank, it's Eun-gyul.

We catch back up to Eun-gyul who is questioning whether he really likes guys. He resolves that he must be crazy and Jae-hee does look like a girl, so he denies it.

But then he starts imagining everyone from the security guard to Coach Baek as Jae-hee. Shaking his head, he firmly declares that Jae-hee is dangerous. Let's see how far that denial lasts, buddy.

Jae-hee beams over Tae-joon's gift and opens the mailed package from Daniel. Inside she finds a taser with a note from Daniel to use it to protect herself and she sighs.

But you wouldn't be dumb enough to try that on yourself, right? Yes, yes you are and she passes out.

Later, Eun-gyul surprises Jae-hee with seaweed soup to commemorate her birthday. He shares that his life's motto is, "If you can't avoid it, enjoy it." and adds cryptically that there's such an occasion.

Jae-hee is in agreement with this mantra and asks where he got the seaweed soup. He tells her that he pulled some strings in the kitchen. As in, he pulled out his aegyo guns to the kitchen staff to whip up something special. Aw.

Tae-joon fails to clear yet again in practice and Coach Baek records their progress. It's apparent that both on paper and video, Hyun-jae has the better form and stats.

Coach Baek praises Hyun-jae on his improvement but all Hyun-jae hears is how he's still being compared to Tae-joon. Noticing that Hyun-jae's numbers in practice are much higher than the ones on competition day, Coach asks if Hyun-jae suffers from performance anxiety.

Hyun-jae denies it and Coach reminds him that in order to win, one has to throw away that greed to win – they're still young athletes after all. And then we get this hilarious bit when Coach attempts to take off his shirt but can't get it past his big head.

Jae-hee buys a small cake to hold an impromptu birthday party but suddenly Tae-joon takes a call, annoyed. It turns out to be Hanna who called him out to celebrate her birthday early.

Hanna gets worked up that Tae-joon meets her empty-handed. She insists that she wants him to present her gift publicly and drags him shopping. It's just that the store clerk recognizes him and Hanna casts a suspicious eye – whose present did he buy earlier?

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