To the Beautiful You: Episode 6

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Ack! The Cute is back in full force this episode. Phew, I thought I lost you there for a second. Now that we've decided that nonsense is the most sensible explanation of this series, this is a much more enjoyable ride now. This is why I like you, drama but I'd appreciate a little less of the emotional whiplash.

Episode 6 picked up a little wind with 5.6% in ratings.


Super Junior – "니가 좋은 이유 (Why I Like You)" 

 Tae-joon mutters Jae-hee's name after he reads her note and tightens his hold on the red shoelaces.

In the car, Daniel asks if Jae-hee is really okay with leaving without seeing Tae-joon jump. Isn't that what she came here for? Jae-hee beats herself up for the umpteenth time that it was her fault for making things hard on him. "I don't think I can watch him jump. I don't have the confidence."

He asks if she won't regret it and Jae-hee remains silent.

Back at regionals, Hyun-jae successfully clears the 2m mark, the 2.05m, and the 2.10m mark. Tae-joon signals that he'll pass. Uh, you haven't high jumped in a while – are you really that confident that you'll clear your own record?

Meanwhile, Hanna rushes to make the meet as her manager comments that he found that someone dropped off the uniform in the car. She lurches in disgust but spots the same lighted bracelet that was in Tae-joon's room...

Hyun-jae clears the 2.15m bar and Tae-joon finally gets up. He warms up and the timer ticks down.

He runs towards the bar, leaps into the air as the music swells... but his lower body catches the bar, and it clatters to the floor. No good. (Hyun-jae gives a self-satisfied smirk.)

The taxi pulls back up to the school and Daniel tells her to go watch the meet. "You said that Tae-joon is jumping because of you. If it hurts, it hurts. If it's hard, it's hard." He tells her not to avoid it because Tae-joon isn't either.

She makes it just before his last attempt. She calls out his name and Tae-joon looks at her. He breaks into a smile and breathes, "Gu Jae-hee."

With a new wave of determination, he sets off running. He jumps and soars into the sky, landing on the soft pad below.

She gasps, I gasp, and Tae-joon looks up. Lo and behold the bar remains untouched. Everyone breaks into a fistpump of celebration (yeah I saw you Coach Baek).

Tae-joon looks in Jae-hee's direction, flashing the biggest smile I've ever seen and tears stream down Jae-hee's face.

Afterwards, Tae-joon teases her about how she said she wouldn't be able to make the meet. He asks if she's disappointed he didn't do as well as last time. Jae-hee furiously shakes her head; she was moved.

He plays off that she's overreacting again and she quips, "Someone told me that overreacting is underreacting's hyung!"

She gets a text from Daniel that says there's no harm in her staying a little longer and she can come back any time. Nooo Voice of Reason, come back!

She shares the good news with Tae-joon and goes in for a hug. They stay there like that for an awkward moment and he pushes her off of him.

Tae-joon shows off the shoelaces, saying he used them well. Aww, okay that's really cute.

Looks like Eun-gyul took Da-hae up on her offer about the movies. He asks what the title of the movie is and she answers, "Let's date."

It takes a second or two for that to register in his head. His eyes grow wide and his heart goes thump thump again.

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