To the Beautiful You: Episode 10

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Eureka - this show actually can churn out a solid episode from start to finish! We get TWO love confessions packed into one hour and a whole ton of cute that will make you grin from ear to ear. Truth is out to the person Jae-hee least expected and now stakes are raised to keep that secret under wraps. I never thought I'd say this about this drama but the angst... it just hurts so good.

Ratings picked up for Thursday's episode to 5.8%. You may be behind, but keep it up drama.


TRAX - "Oh! My Goddess"


Eun-gyul stands frozen at the sight of Tae-joon and Jae-hee who hastily sit up in bed. I don't think the boy needs to go pee anymore. Then Jae-hee does the first thing that pops into her head and pushes Tae-joon off the bed. HA.

Poor Eun-gyul returns to his room, pale-faced and glum. He climbs into bed and lets out a long dejected sigh.

Needless to say that things are awkward between Tae-joon and Jae-hee. She jumps at the slightest touch. Tae-joon checks to see if her fever broke and she thanks him for taking care of her. It's no big deal, he replies - they're roommates after all.

She drops her toiletries and Tae-joon turns his back, pretending not to notice the tampons that also fall out.

Tae-joon receives a text about an interview. In the bathroom, Jae-hee tries to shake herself out of it and cries, "I can't keep having these feelings for Tae-joon!"

Eun-gyul tries to objectively analyze how Tae-joon and Jae-hee ended up in the same bed together. Which means more of his fantasies! Yay!

Scenario 1: Both of them knock heads trying to pick up a coin and fall into bed unconscious. Scenario 2: Jae-hee is an acrobat who sleep-fell into Tae-joon's bed. Scenario 3: Jae-hee joins Tae-joon in bed after their routine pillow-fight. AHAHA - this is fantastic; I don't think I'll ever get sick of his daydreams.

Conclusion: All ridiculous but all plausible in Eun-gyul's head. He hangs his head in dismay anyway.

Reporter Yang conducts Tae-joon's interview, snapping at Director Jang whenever she answers first. Tae-joon confirms that he was in a slump and rejected Coach Holton's offer to train in Canada.

His vague answer has her press for more - is he perhaps staying for someone special? He answers: "There's someone I want to show my jumping to." That piques Reporter Yang's interest and asks if it's Hanna.

Tae-joon remains mum. Dude, you can't just say that and not say anything else!

Once they're alone, Director Jang asks if Tae-joon is dating someone. He denies it and sighs that he didn't want to lie about it. That leaves Director Jang even more confused and asks if it really is Hanna.

Tae-joon says no and he eases back into his seat to catch a few winks he lost last night.

Jung-hoon would rather gaze at photos of Jae-hee than doing actual work which is just about the most adorable thing ever. His assistant recognizes Jae-hee as the male student the other day and comments that she looks pretty feminine.

He admits, "She is a girl." He calls Jae-hee a frog princess and intends to release her from the spell she's under. Then he stares at his computer screen again. Cute.

Eun-gyul drops by to return a book to Jae-hee and mentions that dorm inspections are coming up. Meaning he better hide that porn stash. Tae-joon insists he has nothing of the sort and Eun-gyul snorts in disbelief.

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