Chapter One

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(Hi! This was my first ever book i wrote! So i kinda see it as more of a practice, hence why its not the best. I hope you semi enjoy it, and check out my other books since im sure they are a lil better! Enjoy!)

Owens pov

I groan as i hear my loud alarm clock ring. "Owen wake up." I poke my head out of the covers and push my brother, Nathan, away.

"Let me sleep" he chuckles and walks away. "Fine, if you're not up in 10 minutes ill throw water on you, cold water." Before i can argue he leaves.

Guess im getting up.

I slowly drag each limb out of my cosy cocoon. I feel the cold hit me and i shiver. You may have noticed im not a morning person.

I begin to do my usual routine in the bathroom before making my way back into my bedroom. I look through my clothes and find jeans and my baggy jacket. I sit on my bed scrolling through messages and see one from my best friend Ally.

Wake up you lazy bitch, you and Nate better be ready for school, im almost at your house! - Ally

I stroll downstairs and grab a slice of toast. Im in my senior year of high school and Nathan is re-doing his senior year since he completely failed his finals.

I hear a loud knock and sigh as i realise i have to move.

Nathen opens the door and Ally  comes bouncing in. "Hey guys ready to go?" Her bright smile beams through the house. I nod and shout a quick bye to my mom before leaving.

As me and Nathan get in the car we are greeted by Connor, my other best friend. Me, Ally, Nathan and Connor have been a close group for a while now. They was the only ones out of my middle school who accepted my sexuality.

Thats right, im gay.

We as a group have come so far! Me and Nathan used to never get along and now we are practically best friends! Also Connor and Ally have had a strong relationship for 2 years!!

They got their pheonix scars when they were just best friends. Ever since then, they have been the cutest couple ever! Sadly i havnt got my pheonix scar yet but im still young.

((YES, IF YOU READ MY OTHER  BOOKS, I HAD SOMETHING CALLED PHOENIX SCARS THAT I MADE UP. IF YOU DIDNT READ THEM, I DONT BLAME YOU THEY ARE FUCKING AWFUL JUST LIKE THIS BOOK BUT ANYWAYS a pheonix scar is a scar you get on your part of your body when you and your soulmate feel the same amount of emotion. Everyone is born with a soulmate and fate brings them together when they need each other. The two have to feel the same amount of emotion eg a lot of hate or a lot of love. They are like matching tattoos and every phoenix scar is different. They glow when you get them, and any time that you and your soulmate feel that same emotion. Make sense?? No?! Ok.)))


For the next 5 or so minutes I listen to them all shout random songs. God give be a break!

Moments later the speaker that was blasting the music died. I giggle as they all complain.

I glance out the window to see we have arrived at our school called Lakevill high. "Are you excited for the football season?" I turn to Nathan and nod. "Yeah, i just hope it gets warmer in the winter this year." He laughs and agrees.

Being a football player has been something me and Nathan have played since we was children and have been on the team for the whole of highschool. Everyone thinks it's odd that i play football due to my small body and lack of muscle, and they're right. But luckily for me i am great at throwing, catching and running, especially running.

I've always loved running, it's such a freeing thing to do, especially in the rain!

But don't worry, i'm not one of those mean sports players, im more of a nerd than anything. I keep my grades high and as Nathan would say, i'm a goody two shoes.

"C'mon owen, i wanna see the new guy!" I look at Ally in confusion. "Some guy named Hunter i think, came to town about 3 month ago. He already is super popular and has a girlfriend although he and his girlfriend dont have a pheonix scar. His girlfriend is Jenna Weston so no wonder" i laugh at how much ally knows about this guy. Damn its true that girls can find out anything about anyone i swear there scary.


"Owennnn cmon! I dont want to be late to football practice on the first day back." I giggle and nod at connor. He swiftly kisses Ally's cheek and we make our way towards the changing rooms.

As soon as we get there i see a person iv never seen before talking with coach. I guess thats the new student.

I quickly go and get changed before following coach down to the field. "Kelly, first one here like always, go do a lap my boy!" i nod and start to jog around the track. Usually im the fastest runner, but today my body is still waking up from its summer shutdown.

Moments later i am snapped out of my daze by the new boy. He jogs ahead since I'm slowing down. For some reason I can't take my eyes of him. His body is tanned and well built, kinda hot. I feel my face heat up at my own thought and feel my legs slide on the mud. Oh shit.

Just before i hit the ground i feel two strong hands catch me. I turn around and smile awkwardly. "Thanks" the new boy laughs and sticks out his hand. "Hi im Hunter" i join my small hand with his. "Owen"


Owens pov

After practice i go to my normal lessons, maths, english, science, the usual boring stuff. Now i have my last lesson, Re, which i don't mind.

"Ok class, we have a new student, he's gonna introduce himself!" I see Hunter smile. We have become friends throughout the day which is cool since he is a great guy. "Umm hi, I'm hunter Mathews, you all have heard me say this more than 3 times so hi again" everyone laughs including mrs may.

"Ok mr Mathews, thank you for that. Go take a seat next to mr Kelly" i smile at mrs may, silently thanking her.


"Heyyyyy" i hear Ally shout as i get in the car. I return the hello before fastening my seatbelt.

"So whats the new kid like?" I smile. "He's actually really cool, i think he'd fit in great with out group!" She hums.

"Yeah, as your boyfriend." I feel my face heat up. "W-what?" Connor smirks.

"We've all agreed that you and hunter would make a cute looking couple." I frown in confusion. "But we've only just met him? I dont even know him!" They all laugh at my pure embarrassment.

"Ok, lets all make a bet, how long will it take for the two to date." I groan and put my head in my hands.

"A month." I look at nathan, shocked hes joining in. "Three months." I roll my eyes, feeling my face getting redder and redder. "Five months." They all look at me. "What? My bet is never. We've talked for the day and probably wont talk ever again."

Ally smiles as she begins to drive.

"We'll see owen kelly, we'll see."

Hey guy!
Thanks for reading! Ik its bad but oh well!! Hope you enjoyed. Leave any ideas and i might do it or questions and i will answer!

Edit: i am editing this book rn and oh my fucking god HOW CRINGE!!

Word count: 1361

Vote and comment! Cya next time bai!~


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