Chapter Fifty Seven

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~ Five years later ~

Hunters pov

"Mom you home?" I walk into my moms house, my old house, and smile when i smell fresh cookies.

"In the kitchen!" I walk in to see her and Sophia cooking.

"I knew it wasn't you cooking, it smelled to good." She smiles and pokes my shoulder.

I hug the two women and take a seat at the table.

"So where is my handsome son?" I chuckle at Sophia. "He's gone shopping with ally so I decided to escape while i could" she laughs and turns to me.

"What do you need so bad you came to visit huh?" I smirk at my moms voice.

"I actually need to talk to both of you, well more Sophia but you too mom" i fiddle with my fingers as they sit opposite me.

I smile and feel my breathing speed up. Why am i so nervous.

"Iwantyourblessing" they stare at me in confusion. "Sweetie if your asking for the blessing to sleep with my child your asking five   years late. I know you two did it on prom night." i cover my face in embarrassment.

I don't usually get embarrassed. Whats going on?

"Aha umm no" i chuckle and cough awkwardly.

"I want to uhh... to m-marry owen" i smile weakly at the two ladies.

"ABOUT TIME. God you've only had your phoenix scars for what, 6 years. Yes you can marry owen!" My smile widens at Sophia and i hug them both.

"Thank you! Now i have to go and ask someone else. I'm sorry i cant stay and chat!" and with that i run out the door.

God i hope this goes well.


Nathans pov

I continue to plug in my Wii and flinch when I almost drop it.

"I cant believe its been almost a year since we have hung out just me and you, you usually have owen." I hear a deep chuckle as a body collides with the couch.

"I just wanted to hang out, plus its not my fault your dorky brother lives to visit you." I laugh.

I stand back up and take a seat next to hunter as i hand him a remote.

"Why did you choose Just Dance you know i always beat your ass" i smirk as the game begins.

"So how you been? Hows owen been? Hows the family? Iv not seen you both for like a week" i ask casually as we both start dancing.

"Oh we've been great. How have you been?" I continue to throw my arms around and smirk as i see I already have 1 star.

"Iv been fine just lounging around like usual. What you up too this week?" I exhale at the end rather loudly. Damn im unhealthy.

"Oh not much, just football, going on a date with owen and askinghimtomarryme so not much how about you?" He chuckles nervously at the end.

What did he just say?

"You're going? To propose? To my? Baby brother?" I pause the game.

"Umm that was my way of asking for a blessing SURPRISE!" He says, Nervousness lacing his voice.

"But, he's like what 5 years old! He's still a baby! He isn't old enough!" I feel a arm pat my shoulder.

"Bro, I already asked your mom, i had to ask you to make sure. Im not going to hurt owen, i love him with all my heart. You know i would die for him. He not a kid anymore- never mind i take that back. He's a grown man with the brain of a child. Please Nathan."

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