Chapter Twenty Four

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Owens pov

I look over at mark In confusion.

"So let me get this straight. Hunter, my boyfriend, Kissed jenna, his ex girlfriend at break, And didnt say anything when you watched." He frowns and nods.

"Im sorry owen" i sigh. Is he lying? Hunter wouldn't cheat on me right. Iv only been friends with mark for a week. "I can tell your questioning if im lying, heres proof." He grabs his phone out of his pocket and shows me a photo of what looks like Jenna kissing Hunter.

So it is true? I feel tears start to prick my eyes.

"I-uhhh. Thank you mark. I just wanna be alone right now." He nods and hugs me.

"Ill always be here for you owen" and with that he walks away.

Omg sally! I love him so much hes so cute and nice and his boyfriend is cheating on him! And Owen is such a cute name! The crush is getting worse Ahh -mark

Wait what???

Um mark its Owen aha! Its ok though don't be embarrassed this wont ruin things between us! -Owen

Ahh im so embarrassed! But Phew! Thanks for understanding Owen! Cya tomorrow -mark

Wow. Mark likes me. I didn't see that coming.


Marks pov

Me and Owen have been hanging out for around two weeks now and honestly he's amazing.

I smile as a angry hunter walks towards me. "well hello there" he grabs me and pins me to a wall. "Stay away from Owen, stay away from my friends, stay away from everyone" i smirk.

"I don't think Owen will be going near you anytime soon" he shoots me a pissed of / confused look. "What did you do?"

"Oh i only told him that you kissed Jenna. Ive got photo 'proof' and everything." i see many emotions flicker through his eyes. Suddenly a fist comes flying at my face and he throws me to the ground.

Haha, its worth it. Iv almost gotten what i want.


Owens pov

I grab my book out my locker and glance over to see Jenna cling to hunter. Her bear claws running through his soft brown hair.

She always did it and he usually pushed her away, but he isn't. I frown and turn away and begin to walk to class.

I swiftly walk into the english classroom and take my seat, not wanting to see more of it.

"Hey Owen you ok" i look up and he gives me a concerned look. "Hmm" sadness covers his face.

"You believe him..."

I frown. "Hunter i sae the photo! And you didn't even push her away at break!" Guilt fills his eyes. "Owen the pictures are fake and i pushed her away literally seconds after you turned! You know she does it all the time! Hes evil!"

I feel anger fill my body. its a good job we are the only people in the room. "YOU BEAT HIM UP HUNTER! Why would he lie? " he huffs. "Owen i love you and i dont want to see you get hurt, but your making it hard for us to protect you." He stands up and storms out.

I go to chase him but i feel my arm being  grabbed. "Hey Owen, wanna hang out after school?" I give a small smile. "sure mark but i really need to go" sadness and another emotion i cant read fills his eyes.

"But did you see what he did to me? And you saw it with your own eyes this morning! He's not worth the fuss! You should be with someone better Owen! And i know how to get the pheonix scare off!"

I step back and pull an overwhelmed face. "Ahh, ok mark! Ill dee you later." And before he can reply I'm gone. I begin to run around panicking.

Whose lying to me?


Owens pov

I cant find him. Iv been searching for ages.

I slowly Slide down a locker and hide my face in my jumper. I feel a hand rest on my shoulder. I look up to see ally. "Hey" she takes a seat next to me and i cry.

"He hates me, you all hate me" she shakes her head. "Owen we don't hate you, we couldn't. We're just worried." i rest my head on her shoulder. "he showed me a photo of hunter kissing jenna. He said he took it at break" she frowns.

"He was with me at break." I look up flustered. "Are you sure? The whole break? But why would mark do that? Hunter hates me now! I cant believe i didn't believe him!" I feel myself start to sob halfway through.

"It will be over tomorrow hunny, me Connor and Nathan have a plan. Just you gotta go hang out with him tonight" i nod and smile. "Ok well my lil bean, hunter has just stormed home, I suggest you wait until tomorrow before you talk" i nod.

"Thank you" she winks and smiles. "Anything for you sweetie. Now i have a plan to go make happen. Cya tomorrow" i wave and walk towards the canteen to meet mark.

God i hate drama.

Hey guy!
Thanks for reading! Ik its bad but oh well!! Hope you enjoyed. Leave any ideas and i might do it or questions and i will answer!

Didjfoxhs i have no clue wtf im doing with this book BUT oh well 🤷‍♀️ im an awful writer so I apologise for that, but i hope you all enjoy my book!

I csnt wait to have this book over and done with, like ephofhfk its so BORING im so sorry!!

Also im sorry owen acts soooo unbelievably dumb like idk i just gotta do it lmao and omg this storyline is so pathetic, just keep reading it's almost over. I actually hate it. Like i am purely embarrassed.

But hay ho, we gotta power through.

You should check out my other book which is as equally as boring lmao.

Word count: 1009

Vote and comment! Cya next time bai!~


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