Chapter Twenty Nine

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Hunters pov

It's currently 6 in the morning and i am stood in the snow, in a jumper, basketball shorts and ankle socks. I bet your wondering 'hunter why the fuck would you be so stupid?' Well its not me.

Its my adorably stupid boyfriend.

My mom has gone out of town this week with maya to see my dad but i decided to stay home because my dad can be a little... intense, But instead of allowing me to be home alone, my mom has taken my keys and forced me to stay at Owen's house, not that I'm complaining.

He woke up because he struggles with sleep and he then saw the really thick snow, and now here we are at 6am building a snowman.

I feel my eyes still heavy as i look over to the energised boy. "How are you so awake?" He looks at me and smiles with his big blue eyes. "I alway stay awake late so I'm fine with it" i chuckle at his childishness.

I was comfortable before i got dragged out here. I was warm with Owen cutely curled in my arms.

"i finished!" I stand up from the small bench and walk towards the snowman. Its eyes are perfect and mouth is a huge grin matching his.

"Its the best snowman iv ever seen" he giggles and jumps around. We stand and continue to add snow to the snowman and stand back to look at it. Once we move out the way something is thrown straight through the snowman's body.

I watch his whole face turn from shocked, to sad, then angry. He spins to the direction the stone was thrown from and glares at Connor and Ally.

I see daggers in his eyes as he runs over chasing Connor. "I SPENT SO LONG ON HIM." We all laugh as Owen continues to chase Connor.

I turn as i hear the creek of the door open. "Why the fuck are you all awake" i laugh at Nathan who sits next to me.

"Owen saw the snow" he nods and yawns.

"My moms making pancakes inside and hot chocolate for everyone" i smile at the thought of her cooking, she should be a chef.

I look over to see Connor walk over to me and Nathan, looking pretty defeated. "Awww did someone get hurt by the small boy" he chuckles at me. "I HEARD THAT, IM NOT FREAKING SMALL!" We all look at Owen and burst in to laughter.

"Ok boys... and ally, breakfast is ready!" We all cheer and walk inside.


Owens pov

We all walk back outside, now in warm cloths. Its around 8:30. I glance at my now fixed snowman and smile as i take a photo.

Suddenly i feel something hit the back of my head. I turn around and walk over to ally and stand infront of her. "War?" I nod. "War."

Me and ally stand in front of each other and stare. What? We're competitive! "Connor" i see Connor shrug and walk to ally.

I smile. "Hunter." I look over to see him half asleep on the bench in a jumper. I walk over to him and sigh.


He then jumps up and looks at me with wide eyes. "You're insane, you know that right?" we all laugh as he stands up and stretches.

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