Chapter Twenty Eight

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Hunters pov

I glance at my beautiful boyfriend and sister. Wow maya is already 7! That means shes in first grade! I smile at the two as we continue to make brownies.

He came over this morning so we could work some more on the Re project but we barely did anything, honestly everyone forgot about the project. Its only due at the end of the year anyways.

"OK now they are in the oven let me go get my crowns" i see Owen laugh at maya, nodding as he starts to wash the bowls they had been baking with. I slowly walk over and slip my arms around his waist.

I kiss the side of his head and see a smile spread across his face. I spin him around and laugh at his red cheeks. "Hey baby" he giggle. "Wanna go on a date tonight?"

I see happiness spread across his face. "ok!" I smirk and kiss his nose. "I will pick you up at 6 at your house, now i gotta go to the store. See you then" i walk towards the door. Before i leave i turn around.

"Don't forget, You're beautiful" i chuckle at him as he hides his face and with that i leave to go buy him flowers. I'll take my best boyfriend award now.

Owens pov


I look up at were he has taken me. My childhood ice rink. I would always come here with my dad, uncle collin and my cousin sam. I have so many memories here.

I soon realise I haven't talked since he removed my blindfold. "Um if you don't like it we can go somewhere else, i heard you like ice skating and thought it would be a good idea. Im sorry lets leave and-"

I cut of his pointless rambling with a kiss. excitement And happiness fills my heart. "I love it, i love you. Thank you" he chuckles and hugs me tighter.

"Thats such a relief, i though you would hate it" i giggle. "Lets go in?" He nods and grabs my hand and with that we walk in.

I feel a tap on my shoulder. "Well if it isn't my little Kelly" i turn around and smile at the man. "Hey grandpa" i engulf him in a hug and smile. This is my dads dad which is another reason i came here a lot with him. Cos his family owns the place.

"Hows your mom these days? And Nathan! And who is this?" I smile, blushing slightly. "Hunter this is my grandpa Chris, grandpa this is my boyfriend hunter."

"Well enjoy your date boys, and Owen" i turn to him and smile.

"You look just like him"

a big grin covers my face. He's referring to my dad. Me and hunter grab our skates and walk towards the rink. I walk towards the ice entrance and slowly start to glide. The ice makes me feel free. I turn around to see a uneasy looking hunter.

"I will be here if you fall, ok?" He nods and slowly, one foot by the other, steps on the blue and white glistening ice. He grins as he is able to stay stood up but as soon as he tries to move he falls.

I burst in to laughter and smile. Mr tough is more of a teddy bear really. I grab his hand and pull him across the ice. I suddenly let go and let him glide. With a determined look and after 12 other times of falling, he finally is able to get used to it.

"Ok ladies and gentleman i would like you to clear the ice and stand at the side as the ice skating state champ makes her winning speech" everyone claps and cheers at the announcement.

I wonder who it is. I look at the girl who skates gracefully on the ice. Her hair is short and a light brown colour. Someone hands her a medal and she smiles for pictures.

"H-hi, I'm sam Kelly! And i would like to thank you all for being here" she giggles. I knew it was her! "I first skated with my dad who is currently out of town, my uncle who has sadly passed away and my cousin. They are all my inspiration, they are all such strong and powerful people and im so proud to be a kelly! I hope you all enjoy your evening and-" before she can finish she spots me and gasps. "Uhh, have fun." She quickly drops her mic and makes her way to me. She squeals and dives onto me forcing me into a tight hug.

"Hi sam" i hug her back as i hear people clap and begin to skate again. "Ok ladies and gentlemen back on to the ice you go!" I take a seat next to sam. "SO HOW ARE YOU! I MISSED YOU SO MUCH! HAS YOUR ANXIETY GOTTEN BETTER? CAN WE DO TEAM SKATING YET?" I giggle and smile.

"Sorry sam, not this year. But one year I promise" i smile but then panick fills my mind. Fuck. Where's hunter.

I stand up and see hunter talking to my grandpa. Phew. "Soooooo" i turn back to sam who is staring at my wrist. "Yeh its him" i giggle and sit back down.

"LUCKY! AND AT DISNEY WORLD? NO FREAKING WAY! Im glad it went over your scars to owen, now you cant ever do it there" she gives me a soft smile. I nudge her. "So state championship huh?" she smirks.

"Yeah i did it around when uncle james passed, i did it for both of you...AND BOOM I CAME OUT WITH A MEDAL" i laugh at her excitement. We continue to talk for a while before Hunter walks back over.

"Hey princess" i smile as i look up at hunter. "Sam, hunter. Hunter, sam" they both exchange introductions. I hold hunters hand as my grandpa walks over to check up on sam.

"By the way im visiting her and uncle collin in a few weeks, are you and joel gonna be there?" She nods. She suddenly looks at her phone.

"FUCK MY TRAIN IS IN A HOUR! I GOTTA GO. LOVE YOU OWEN AND OWENS BOYFRIEND BYE" I laugh at how much energy she has before waving goodbye.

I look over to hunter and realise i just spent a while talking to sam. "Im sorry tonight has not gone as planned" he chuckles and grabs my hand. "Its been perfect. Now lets eat I'm fucking starving" i laugh and nod.

I have the best family.

As we walk towards the mini cafe we laugh and joke. "So whats this about skating competitions huh?" I smile shyly. "Yeah, when i was younger i used to enter into ice skating competitions, i even have a few medals at home!"

He smiles and taps my nose. "Wow you're really a jack of all trades owen kelly."

Hey guy!
Thanks for reading! Ik its bad but oh well!! Hope you enjoyed. Leave any ideas and i might do it or questions and i will answer!

Word count: 1204

Vote and comment! Cya next time bai!~


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