Chapter Fifty Five

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Hunters pov

There it is.

I look up at my house and smile. I have been walking around all night trying to clear my head. I was offered a place too sleep but i knew with the guilt of what i did to owen on my shoulders I couldn't even close my eyes.

I got forced to take Ally's old phone with me so she could contact me at any time.

And now here i am at 6am standing outside my house.

I slowly walk towards the door, my house looking big and warm in the dark.

I breath in and place a loud knock on the door.

I smile as i hear Bella's bark. I place my small backpack on the floor which contains my military clothes. Ally went shopping for my clothes while Megan got me food to eat.

I see my hallway light turn on and i hear a voice. "One moment please, i need to find my keys" i chuckle at my mom.

I've missed her so much.

She opens the door and looks at me. She rubs her eyes and smacks her head. "Hunter?" She pinches her hand to check if shes dreaming and she starts to cry as i pull her into a hug. I grab my bag and close the door as i walk inside. We sit on the couch, her arms still around me while we both cry.

"I knew you would come back" i hug her tightly and cry more. "Im so sorry" she hits my shoulder. "Im going to be mad later but for now im not" i chuckle and smile.

"Before I explain can you tell sophia to bring Nathan and Connor over, not...?" I hesitate to say his name but nods anyways.

I want to explain to everyone at the same time but i want to talk to owen later, alone.


Connors pov

I stand infront of Owens house and smile as i see Sophia and Nathan come out their home. "Good morning sweetheart, was your drive here safe?" I nod to sophia as we walk towards The Matthews house.

We soon get there and Nathan knocks on the door.

"Im too tired for this" i chuckle at the moody boy and hit his arm.

A happy looking Melissa opens the door and we walk inside.

"Have you been crying? Whats wrong?" Melissa hugs Sophia.

"Shes crying because shes having a bad hair day" i look around. I know that voice.

A smile spreads across my face as Hunter walks towards us.

"No way" me and nathan jog towards him and in the most manly way, we cry.

"Where the fuck was you bro?" This makes Nathan pull away.

"I want to hit you harder than anyone on the planet, and remember josh and the bastard who was my stepdad are still alive. That puts you in a pretty high ranking" i swiftly pull Nathan away.

"I deserve it. Ally told me everything" i stare at Hunter in confusion. "Wait what? Ally? And believe me, she didnt tell you everything. There's stuff that cant even be put into words that have happened." He nods and we all sit down.

"Hunter, we are glad your ok and alive, but what you did wasn't ok. Son I'm extremely disgusted in your actions. What you said about our poor boy isnt ok" he looks away.

"I didnt do it" we all look at him in confusion.

"Please just hear me out" and with that we listen to the story which has changed our lives for the past 4 months.

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