Chapter Three

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(Pls just keep in mind I was 12 when writing this and i'm now 16👩🏻‍🦯 I know it's cringe)

Owens pov

Oh my god! Hes on his way. Hunter is coming to my house! Wait eww i sound like a squeeky 11 year old girl fangirling over Justin bieber!

It's not that i have a crush on him or anything, he's just intimidating. I mean sure he's friendly, but he's also perfect. He's kind, he's funny, he's hot-

I pause from what i was doing and stare ahead. No Owen, don't think like that. He's your friend. He as a girlfriend. I sigh and continue to clean my room.

It's currently 6:55 and hes coming at 7. It feels like time is taking forever! I am currently singing along to my disney play list. Yes i know i make fun of  Nathan, Connor and ally for singing in the car but come on! If you dont love disney who are you!

I hear the song 'almost there' from the princess and the frog and grin. what? I love this song!

I sing along to the words as they smoothly play through my Donald Duck speakers. What? Dont judge me!

I hear a knock and swiftly turn off my speakers. I run down stairs and open the door to see a smug looking hunter. "Heyyy hunter" he chuckles at me "hey princess, nice singing up there" my face goes bright red. Oh my god he heard me. "Don't be embarrassed, i love Disney myself. Just beware im gonna continue calling you princess, If thats ok." i blush and frown.

"Im not a princess! Im more of a frog." I smile as i let him in. "You sure about that princess? Because i think you look like more of a princess, just less spoilt" i laugh at him. "Fine" Oh god this is going to be a long night

"So I brought some money so we could order a pizza if thats ok?" I frown. "No! You're the guest so im paying!" He shakes his head and takes a seat.

I hope this doesn't turn out awkward.


"And thats why Mandella changed history." i place my pen on the paper while hunter munches on the last slice of pizza. "Finally, that was so much effort" i glare at him. "For you" He finishes and we both laugh.

"Hey random question, do you have your pheonix scar?" I shake my head.

"Do you have yours?" He shakes his shakes his head too. "Hey wanna play 21 questions?" I nod and smile.

"Ok you first." He nods. "Whats your favourite film?" I smile. "Lion king or jurassic park!"

"Mines, lion king and star wars!" I grin. "Ok, Favourite video games?" He smiles. "Red dead redemption 2, spyro Madagascar, cat in the hat, things like that." i stand up and run to my games draw and pull out them games.

"YESS, best games ever." We both laugh before I stare at him, waiting for another question.

(Tw! Mentions of self harm and more sensitive topics)

"What was those marks on your wrist?" My eyes widen. "Im sorry that was really personal I shouldn't have asked." I smile softly. "Its ok hunter." I go lie oposite him, as if were gonna sleep top and tail.

We both stare at my seiling. "My question, would you tell anyone or judge me for being weak" He doesnt move just states a simple 'nope'

I inhale.

"Well, i might as well tell you everything, you was gonna find out eventually i just- i dont know, dont like telling people. Kinda sounds like a sob story ya know."

He hums, showing he understands and is ready to listen.

"It was my coping mechanism. Iv never really dealt with the whole mental health thing well. It all hit me at once, my life became a domino affect. One event to another. It all started around, i dont know like a year and a half ago. I guess when my dad died, he was like me and nates best friend. He was so cool hunter, the whole town loved him and he loved the whole town. When he died it really hit us hard. Kinda out of the blue. He was always healthy."

He doesn't move, just listens.

"After he... passed. My mom found a coping mechanism in dating, she never has stopped loving my dad, but she just kinda wanted everything to be normal. I dont blame her. This is when she met Him. The most disgusting man on the planet. Of course, to our luck he was a psychopath.

He would beat me and threated to kill me, and then walk into the room with my mom and act as if me and him was best pals. He would fight with nate, but he really had it in for me. Then on top of that Josh, someone at our school, decides its time to go to the extremems with his bullying towards me, he went from pushing and shoving me to wanting to kill me daily.

It was like the world wanted me dead hunter. And then this summer it all just, stopped. My mom caught henry, she got a restraining order against him and he was moved by the police to another state under community guild or something. He isnt allowed to leave his area or see us ever again. Its like iv been given a second chance."

I start to giggle. "Holy shit thats the first time iv ever said it all out loud. I Understand if you wanna stay away from me, its all very overwhelming for someone else to hear, and i get you might not want to get caught up in that." He smiles.

"Nah i think ima stay around you kelly, with a past like that? You're still pretty amazing owen, someone im glad to call a friend." I smile softly.

"That means a lot hunter, thanks." I quickly stand up to go put away my pens.

"Since i asked you a personal question, heres mine. Would you judge me if i was bi?" I giggle. "Yeah, ew gays, god get out of my house you homo." His eyes widen and so does mine.

"Oh my god im sorry im joking! Of course I wouldn't hunter, literally me and half my friends aren't straight." He sits back and sighs in relief.

"You're the first friend iv ever told about my sexuality owen. Only my mom knows." I smile. "That makes me feel special." He chuckles.

"Hey wanna play mario karts?" He cheers and nods. "Hell yeah, just know im gonna beat you." I smirk.

No way.


"NO THE FUCKING BANANAS ALWAYS GET ME" i laugh at hunters rage. This was too funny. "I swear to god Owen kelly im about to murder you for making me baby princess peach! If anything you should have been the princess" i giggle causing him to nudge me.

I gently punch his shoulder and giggle when i win the race. We then move on to watching the lion king, laughing and joking all the way through. When the movie ends we stand up and walk down stairs. "Damn Time flies! I forgot to tell you, i only live down the street. So, i guess you will be seeing a lot of me Owen Kelly." I giggle. "I guess i will, Hunter Matthews" and with that we share our goodbyes.

As i turn around i scream as some how my mom and Nathan stand there. "How the hell did you get there?!" She smirks.

"we came through the back door, we didn't wanna interrupt you and your boyfriend talking" i go red. "We're just friends mom." She smirks and kisses my cheek. "Sure honey."

I sigh and sit on the couch.

Hunters bi.

Do i have a chance at dating him?


Am i still gonna hope i do and feel all smiley and red around him?


God iv only known him for like a week, but can you blame me? Hes amazing!

I feel my mind relax while thinking of anything and everything until the darkness consumes me.

Hey guy!
Thanks for reading! Ik its bad but oh well!! Hope you enjoyed. Leave any ideas and i might do it or questions and i will answer!

Bye lovelies!

Word count: 1387

Vote and comment! Cya next time bai!~


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