Chapter Thirty Two

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(I accidentally deleted this chapter so rip to all the votes/comments)

Owens pov

"What is this?" Mr collins swiftly walks back into the living room with hunters phone. Oh no, his lock screen. "What kind of sick joke is this?" I feel my whole body freeze as i see what he's holding.

Hunter doesn't look up.

"It's not a joke." I feel my eyes widen and i look away. "Who the hell is that? And why is it a photo of you kissing a... a boy!" Hunter immediately stands up. "Because i don't have a girlfriend, i have a boyfriend."

His dad steps forward and stares at him. We all wait to see what he does, maybe he wont react so badly, maybe he- before i can finish my thoughts a loud slap noise fills the air.

"No son of mine is gay, who is this anyways, i'll kill them." I bite my lip. Please god get me out of this situation.

Silence fills the house once again. "It's him, isn't it?" I look over to see mr collins staring right at me. "I uhhh"

I freeze up. "You turned my son into a fag?" I stand up and look around. I look at the taller man and go to speak but no words come out.  "I'm sorry sir." He shoots me an angry look and then back to Hunter.

"Hunter, my boy, it's just a phase, you can get over this with some strict therapy!" Hunter smirks. "Couldn't get me out of this phase if you tried." This tips mr collins over the edge.

"MELISSA! DID YOU KNOW ABOUT THIS?" She then comes in and nods. "Yes and ohh they're so cute. His whole family are to die for!" rage fills his eyes. He turns to me and walks over.

I feel a firm hand wrap around my neck. I wince as he goes to punch me but it never hits me. I cautiously open my eyes to see Hunter holding his dads wrist. "Let him go." His dad looks from me to Hunter. "You choose this piece of shit over me?"

Hunter stares at him and without hesitation answers. "Obviously now let. Him. Go." I see Mr collins wince slightly when Hunter slowly begins to twist his wrist.

Mr collins looks at me as if he's trying to kill me with his eyes before slamming me against the wall and letting go. I gasp trying to get the lost air back into my lungs.

"Stop brainwashing my son or i'll kill you myself." This causes Hunter to snap. He grabs mr collins and and punches him in the face before he drags him to the front door, throwing him outside.

"It's a good thing non of your things are here because i don't want to see you here again, GOT THAT? You are no longer my dad, you are no longer mayas dad and you don't control us. Don't you EVER hurt the people i love again, now leave before i kill you." A hint of fear flashes over Mr collins face before he stands up. Both Melissa and Maya are now stood at the door next to him, while i stand behind still in the house.

"I'll see you when you're back to your old self Hunter." He walks back over to his car and gets in before quickly driving away. "Hunter, maya, can you go try find anything of his that we might have and put it into one of our storage boxes?" They nod and head upstairs. She sighs and turns to me as if she knew how i was feeling.

I feel my lip begin to tremble. "I'm so sorry."She smiles and pulls me into a tight hug. "Hunny its not your fault. Hes never really been a part of this family anyways and now there is a reason to stop visiting him and finally get a divorce." I continue to cry in to her shoulder.

"But i just ruined the only chances of them having a good life with their dad." she pulls me to the couch where we sits down. "No Owen, he ruined that. I know this must be hard for you since you lost your father but Marcus wasn't a nice man, they aren't missing out on anything and they know that. Nobody blames you or is upset with you in the slightest ok? Maya didnt enjoy her trip at all since Marcus is like a stranger to her since he wasnt around often in her childhood and hunter has never got along with him, if anything you helped them by giving them this closure. So hunny promise me you wont blame yourself?" I nod slowly.

My heart is breaking. I just broke a family apart.

"I better head home, you guys should come over for dinner." She nods slowly. "Owen, we love you." I nod and sprint out of the house.

I quickly open the door and sprint to my room ignoring my mom shout my name. I close my room door and quickly put on one of hunters jumpers and take off my shoes. I finally stand still and take a shaky breath before bursting into tears.

I lost my dad, and now I've ruined hunter's relationship with his.


Hunters pov

"Hey maya, you ok?" He nods and smiles. "He always scared me, we wont see him again right?" I smile and nod.

Me and maya have never had a good nor close relationship with our dad, so i don't feel like i've lost anything, more escaped him.

"Hey Hunter, can you come down real quick?" I shout a yeah before running down the stairs. "Whats up?" She sighs. "Can you go check on Owen?" I run a hand through my hair.

"Yeah, I expect him not to take this well." She shakes her head slightly. "It isn't what he said, i think he feels he's ruined your relationship with your dad, and since he lost his he's taking it hard." I cover my mouth with my hand.

"Oh god i didn't even think about that, ok i'll go now." She smiles softly and nods. I quickly put my shoes on and begin to sprint through the snow down the street.

Once i get there i use my spare key and open the door. "He's upstairs, what happened?" I take off my shoes and walk over to sophia.

"My dad came to visit and he got super mad at the fact i'm dating a boy and eventually left and i think Owen thinks he ruined my relationship with my dad, which never existed." She sighs and pulls me into a hug.

"Are you ok?" I nod and squeeze her. "I'm fine, i never liked him nor really knew him. He was more of a distant uncle." She nods and goes back to what she was doing while i walk upstairs.

I gently knock on his door before opening and the sight inside broke my heart.

He's sat on the edge of his bed sobbing. "Oh baby" i stand in front of him and pull him up into a hug. He clings to me and continues to cry while muttering 'i'm sorry' quietly.

I pull his head away from my chest so he's looking at me and kiss him. "Owen, listen to me. You did nothing wrong. Me and maya have never had a relationship with our dad, it would have happened either way. And it's not your fault, i was bi before i met you wasn't i? I could have dated any guy and the same outcome would have happened. It was going to happen one day. I'm sorry, i should have told you to go home. Please baby, don't blame yourself, i never saw my dad anything like how you saw yours. That man is no father of mine, never was and never will be. I beg you, don't blame yourself." His lip trembles and he clings to me.

"You're too good for me." I laugh and kiss him again. "No Owen, you're too good for me."

Hey guy!
Thanks for reading! Ik its bad but oh well!! Hope you enjoyed. Leave any ideas and i might do it or questions and i will answer!

Word count: 1381

Vote and comment! Cya next time bai!~


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