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Owens pov

Wow. Todays the day. The day I actually get married to hunter! As i look at the time i smile as i see a picture of me and him. "Hey handsome, nervous?" I jump as the loud girls voice scares me.

"Oops sorry" i smile as ally giggles. "I just came to see if you was ready, its time. Everyone is seated and connor has gone to get hunter, Maya has sam and hes really excited" i smile thinking about my little Sammy.

Me and hunter adopted sam around two years ago when he was born, his father gave him up since his mother had died, but he asked if we could keep the name sam, so we did. I personally think it's adorable.

"Snap snap honey wake up" i jump out of my daydream and take her hand as she opens the door. "Im nervous, what if i do something wrong?" Ally moves my hair and grins.

"Owen, you will be fine. I promis" i nod and breath. I soon hear the music start and fiddle with my sleeves. Its ok owen, its just your family and friends.

I walk over to my mother and she smiles. "I've never been more proud of you." I grin and kiss her cheek.

The nice doorman soon opens the door and im revealed to a large crowd. I link arms with my mother as i walk down the aisle. I look around the beautiful church we decided to get married in, now filled with people i love. I then look forward and feel my heart stop.

There he is.

The man i love. The man that loves me. The man i will spend the rest of my life with, stood right in front of me.


Hunters pov

What if he isn't coming, what if he doesnt want to get married, what if i dont look good, what if i-

The war in my head soon stops when i hear the music start. I breath and then look towards the door, as soon as it opens all my nerves fade away.

The most beautiful human on the planet is going to become my husband and I couldn't be happier. I smile as i see the small boy fiddle with the cuff of his blazer.

As soon as he reaches the front he finally looks at me. His face turns red and i cant help but chuckle. "You look amazing" he giggles.

"So do you" i feel my heart melt. I smile and nod to the vicar.

"Dearly beloved, we are gathered here today to celebrate one of life's greatest moments, and to cherish the words which shall unite Owen Kelly and Hunter Matthews in marriage." Owens face is now bright red.

I know he's nervous. His palms are sweaty and warm. I squeeze them and he smiles.

"Marriage is the promise between two people who love each other, and who trust in that love, who honor each other as individuals, and who choose to spend the rest of their lives together" i hear a few sniffles from the crowd and smile.

"This ceremony will not creat a relationship that does not already exist between you. It is a symbol of how far you have come these past few years. It is a symbol of the promises you will make to each other to continue growing stronger as individuals and as partners. No matter what challenges you face, you now face them together, and no matter how much you succeed, you now succeed together. The love between you joins you now as one. The groom and the groom now may speak there vows"

Owen slowly pulls a card out of his pocket and smiles.

"Hunter, you have helped me so much throughout these years. I remember the day we met and instantly connected. We became best friends, and soon shared our love. You saved me hunter matthews, you saved me from myself and every obstacle i had to face. We have been through so much together, fun times and bad times but we always found away around it. Im glad we have these phoenix scars as a reminder of the day we got them. That was the day i realised i wanted to spend the rest of my life with you, to grow old with you, and too die with you. I love you muffin, for now and forever"

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