Chapter Seventeen

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Owens pov

I slowly start to open my eyes just to close them because of a bright light. I eventually open them and look around. Why am i so warm? I turn over and smile. Oh thats why.

My body is pressed against hunters chest while his arms are loosely wrapped around my body.

I smile as i look up to see the sleeping bear. His bed hair makes him look hotter. I smile at my thoughts until i find myself yawning.

He smiles and pulls me closer. "Good morning Princess." I giggle at his sleepy voice.

"Morning" he kisses my head. Slowly i manage to escape his tight grip and walk towards the mirror. I start to mess with my hair and smile when i see him sit up and yawn. I grab my phone getting a picture of me with a sleepy looking hunter in the background.

"Hahah now we both have photos of each other being sleepy" He smirks. "I guess we're even for now princess" i giggle. Suddenly the doors burst open. "GUYS A COACH OF HOT GIRLS JUST ARIVED AND JORDAN TEXT THEY'RE AT THE POOL CMON!"

I glare at nathen. Wow thank you brother just sell my boyfriend away. "What? Watching jordan flirt is fun!" we both laugh. Jordan is what you call a fuck boy. I nod and glance over to hunter whose currently sleeping again. "Were in" he smiles and runs of.

I look at hunter and smirk seeing his feet sticking out. THIS LADIES AND GENTLEMEN IS WHY I CARRY A FEATHER AROUND. I grab my feather from my backpack and sneak to his foot. I stay a safe distance so i dont get kicked.

I slowly drag the feather across his foot. Suddenly i hear a girlish squeek and he shoots up.


Hunters pov

I stand up and glance around to see what the fuck just tickled me. I hear a giggle coming from the bottom of the bed. "Owen you're dead" i go tickle him but realise i could do worse. I go in my suitcase and find the muffins i brought him. I grab them both and smirk.

"hunter... PUT THE MUFFINS DOWN THATS TOO FAR" and with that i shove a full muffin in my mouth with no regrets. "Hmmm" He squeels and looks like a child thats had there favourite toy destroyed.

I giggle and walk in the bathroom changing into my swim shorts. When i come out he hasn't moved. I walk over and kiss his nose. "Get ready princess, i'll be at the pool" and with that i smirk and leave him. Im the best boyfriend.


Owens pov

"HE FUCKING ATE MY LAST MUFFIN ALLY" i frown at my computer screen. Im currently on FaceTime to ally. I see connor come over and sit next to me. I glance around to see some girls flirting with jordan and hunter. I pull a face and stand. "Here, talk to her or something." and with that i hand connor my laptop and stroll over.

"Hey shorty" i glare at jordan who chuckles. "Haha so handsome fancy coming back to my room?" I glare at the girl whose now leaning on hunter chest.

"Oh my gosh casady the small one is smaller than you" i frown. I stand nexto her and FUNNY ENOUGH im taller. I have a smug look on my face. "Haha shorty im like one inch shorter you, wow so small"

She then starts poking me. "Please stop" she doesnt stop. I feel the anger begin to build up in me and without thinking i shove her into the pool and stroll back over to connor. As i arrive i see connor and ally dying of la. I look over and hunter and jordan are also dying with laughter.

"Welp mr bad boy owen. Im gonna love you and leave you." I giggle at the name."Love you too ally" she giggles and smiles at Connor and blows a kiss then ends the call. Damn i miss her already.

I place my sunglasses over my eyes and glance at my book. I suddenly see hunter stand in front of me. "Hi" he chuckles. "Owen why did you push the girl".

"she was mean." I hear a deep chuckle and he soon ruffles my hair.

I then hear some flip flops come my way and some girl stand in front of me. "Hello can i help you" she stomps her foot. "I think I deserve an apology" i shrug before replying.

"I don't"

Connor and Nathan are now 'ooo'ing at the side of me like the kids they are. "Shut up, just because i dont want you to fuck me" she pokes me again with her bear claws. "Well being gay and a bottom i can't see that working out anyways." She pauses before pulling a face.

"Ew gays" i smirk. "Ew you" i shoot back. I glance around to see the people around me are Connor, Nathan, hunter and the two girls.

"I dont go for gays. Hunter, want to finish what we started in my room?" He laughs and sits down. "Nah i'm good, gonna spend some time with my boyfriend over here."

She scoffs and walks off.

"She shouldn't have poked me" if there was a top ten ways to piss of Owen. Poking me would be right at the top. I grab my normal glasses and place them back on my head.

I smile but frown when i see everyone giving me a confused look.

"What?" They all check there phones. "Owen how long have u had glasses? Iv never seen them!" I giggle. "Iv had them for a while. Hunter i wear them every day in English. Iv started wearing them to read but not all the time." they all look at me like I'm insane. "Does mom know about this?" I giggle at nathan.

"You was there when i got them dumbass" he looks around like he's totally lost. I giggle and stand up to walk back to my room. Too much sun for me.

I feel an arm grab my shirt and then wrap around me. I smile at hunter. He kisses the side of my head and smirks. "I think your shortness is adorable" I feel my face go bright red and i smile.

Hey guy!
Thanks for reading! Ik its bad but oh well!! Hope you enjoyed. Leave any ideas and i might do it or questions and i will answer!

Word count: 1099

Vote and comment! Cya next time bai!~


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