Chapter Forty Nine

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Melissas pov

I smile as i start making my morning coffee.

"Maya where is your brother?" She giggles while spinning her teddy around. "In his room, his door is locked" i frown. That's unusual for him.

I walk upstairs and gently knock on his door.

No reply.

I knock again.

No reply.

"Hunter sweetie I'm coming inside" i open pull out one of my hair pins and use it to open the door. I respect his privacy but he's usually a light sleeper so how isn't he hearing me?

I grin as the door opens but when i get inside i'm met with something strange.

He's not there. His bed is neat which it never usually is and there is 2 envelopes on his bed while the picture of him and Owen is gone from his bedside table along with his phone.

I frown. If he's gone out why didn't he just drop me a text? Somethings off here.

I turn over the two envelopes.



I feel my legs go wobbly. Somethings wrong. I grab my phone and shakily scroll through my contacts.

"Pick up, pick up"

"Mel i love you but its 7am and-!"

"Can you come over? And bring the boys?" and with that i start to sob.

Has he gone away?
Is this a prank?
Has he left for good?

Has he... no he wouldn't.

Would he?

After a few minutes i hear a knock and run down the stairs. I open the door and dive into Sophia's arms.

She strokes my hair and I continue to cry.

Some time passes and we all sit in the living room.

Owens looking tired while playing with maya, Nathan is making some breakfast and Sophia is holding me tight.

"Ok breath. Whats gone on? Where is hunter?"

I hand her the letters. "I don't know..." her eyes widen and this grabs the two boys attention.

"Maya go to your room and put on frozen, Nathan will come up with cookies soon" she squeals at the thought of cookies for breakfast as she runs away.

I open the first letter.

Its typed out. Oh god.


Owens pov

I feel myself start to shake as Melissa begins reading.

Dear whoever is reading this,
Yes I'm alive. Im doing well actually!

This causes us all to take a breath.

He's ok.

Iv decided to move away. I want to take some time to return to my sophomore year self and that means moving back home. I have decided to move in with dad! We have been bonding and meeting up recently and he's shown me what went wrong in my life.

Im sorry if i hurt anyone but this is for my own good, ill write again soon! Tell maya i love her. Bye!

I can't move, my whole body is frozen and i can't look away from the piece of paper. I feel my whole body begin to shake and i start to bite my nails.

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