Chapter Twenty Seven

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A/N: i aint gonna lie, this was hard to write. The reactions to the gifts are small and weak because hOly fucking mOly do i hate receiving gifts. ITS SO AWKWARD. Idk how to react. Ik its dumb but fr im sorry the chapter is worse than usual.

Owens pov

It's Christmas day! Me and my mom are currently washing the dishes from an amazing Christmas dinner she had made. Hunter, Maya and Melissa have gone home to get there gifts so we can all exchange them and Im so fucking nervous to give hunter mine!

And dont think i forgot about the others.

I got Maya a tea set, bear and a framed photo of me and her. I really do love that girl. Not as much as i love her stupid brother, but a lot.

I got Mel a framed photo of all of us and a set of candles which she pointed out when me, my mom and her was shopping.

Now i know what your thinking. 'Owen whats with all the framed photo's?' They mean a lot to people and you cant go wrong with photos!

I hear the door open i scoop some bubbles and send my mum a devilish look. "Owen Kelly i swear to god" i then wipe it on her head. She frowns and does the same to me and before we get into a war she stops me.

"Go do it to him" i smile at her words and walk over to hunter with bubbles. I stand next to him and look up.  "Close your eyes"

He chuckles and does so. I gently smack both my hands on his cheeks. His aqua eyes shoot open and glare at me. "You did not just do that" i giggle and run behind him out the door.

"OWEN KELLY GET YOUR CUTE ASS BACK HERE" i giggle and run faster down the street with no shoes on, just my now soggy bed socks. Hunter has always been a fast runner, but not as fast as me. I laugh at the taller boy until I suddenly trip and faceplate into the thick layer of snow.

I feel myself get lifted but i don't open my eyes, i just leave them tightly shut. "Your weird, princess" i laugh and we both jog back to the house since its cold. When i get back i run upstairs and get changed into some socks, a jumper and jeans.  I smile as i skid around my hallway with my fluffy socks. Its like im skating!

I walk down the stairs and sit on the floor. I feel a warm body come and sit close by to me. Hunters body is always so warm. I rest my head on his shoulder and see Maya run over and sit next to me.

"Gift time boys and girls" we all cheer. We all sit in a circle and all smile at the pile of gifts in front of us. "Ok Maya you can open Owens first, i know you was excited" she cheers and rips open the wrapping.

She squeals at the tea set. Then opens the bear and small Disney frame. She then flings her arms around me. "THANK YOU OWEY I LOVE THEM" i giggle and hug her back.

"No problemo Maya bear" and with that everyone opens their gifts. "Hunter your turn" he carefully tears the red and green paper.

"WOAH, HOW DID YOU GET THIS? owen this is so fucking cool, thankyou so much, i LOVE it!" He wraps his arms around me and kisses my cheek. Im so glad he likes it.

I feel my cheeks go red when I release its my turn. I prefer giving gifts then receiving them.

So far iv got a stitch teddy and photo from maya and a friends calendar and a friends notebook from Melissa. Now hunter.

I slowly pull back the wrapping paper to see a small princess crown, a friends mug and, a- WAIT WHAT?!

"NO WAY, HOW? I love it so much Hunter, thankyou!"

I fling my arms around my wonderful boyfriend next to me. I can't believe he got a Matthew perry autograph!

"Ok I'm gonna clear all this paper" i nod at my mom and walk to the window to see if it's still snowing. I giggle at the slightly less deep snow where Nathans car was. He's gone to spend Christmas day with one of our cousins.

I feel two arms snake around my body. I smile and look up. "Did you like your gifts baby? Cos i sure as hell liked mine" i giggle and nod. "I loved them" suddenly something catches my eye while i look up.


I smile as i am spun around. He rests his head on mine. "I love you owen kelly" i smile. Im so lucky. "I love you too Hunter Lauren Mathews"

He smirks and smiles. I feel his hot breath on my face making my cheeks even redder. Suddenly he smashes his lips in to mine. Soft, sweet yet passionate like always. I feel one hand around my waist and the other holding my hand.

"Ewwyy" we both pull away and laugh at maya. Today has been the best Christmas ever.  i spent it with the best people ever. I look in to hunters mesmerising eyes and smile. He smiles and kisses me again.

This has been the best Christmas ever.


Hey guy!
Thanks for reading! Ik its bad but oh well!! Hope you enjoyed. Leave any ideas and i might do it or questions and i will answer! Lmao i had a stroke while editing this


I am so fucking sorry this book is so bad lmao. But also im like half dead when I write these chapters so oh well. Sorry its cringe too.

Word count: 1017

Vote and comment! Cya next time bai!~


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