Chapter Seven

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Owens pov

I wake up to a pounding in my head. Owwwww. "Morning drunky, iv left some medicine on your desk. Im going to the store for some snacks. Moms gone out to work so I'll be back soon" i thank Nathan as he leaves.

Damn it feels like i drank the whole house. I take the pain killers and relax back into my cloud bed just to be disturbed again by my phone. Ughhhh leave me alone!

I look to see a text from hunter. Oh god, he saw me drunk! Thats fucking embarrassing. Ughhhh.

Hey princess wanna meet for breakfast since I already know you must have a shit hangover. Pick you up at 10 -hunter

I look at the time to see its 9:30 so he's coming soon. I slowly stand up making sure i don't get a head rush because god forbid i make the demons in my head worse.

Yeah that would be nice. God I'm embarrassed! -owen

I grab my jeans and my cosy bed jumper. Yes for the first time i don't care what hunter thinks i look like. This jumper is like a portable bed. I walk downstairs and snuggle into the couch flicking through channels. I smile as i see Titanic is on.





The screams of two boys scare me, causing me to fall off the couch. I look up at hunter and Nathen and hold my head. "YOU'VE ANGERED THE DEMONS!" They laugh at my pain and hunter pulls me up. "cmon its 11:00 you cant have more pain killers for about 4 hours so good luck" i frown and walk outside towards hunters car.

I sit in the front seat with my bed hair and my cosy jumper and sulk. Hunter comes and sits in the drivers seat and starts the car. "Hmmm you must be tired, you fell asleep while watching titanic" i nod and rub my eyes.

I glance out the window not sure where we're going. "Where is food" i groan at what i just said. English owen english! Hunter chuckles. "We're going to my uncle danny's diner, i hope thats ok"

I look at him while he drives. "Does it have muffins" He nods and i smile. Im craving muffins. Blueberry, chocolate, chocolate chip UGH i love muffins.

"Did i do anything too embarrassing last night?" Hunter looks at me and smirks. "Yep you sang frozen songs from the roof." I feel myself go pale. "Hahaha I'm joking princess chill, nah you just fell asleep and i took you home. Your mom was kinda chill with you being drunk." I nod and laugh.

"Cos she knows how hammered nathan got in his senior year, she doesn't mind since for me its once in a lifetime. Plus she knows I can get drunk from like one drink."

He pulls into a small diner after a short drive and it seems empty. I glance through my window to see a nice man waving. "HUNTER MY BOY! I haven't opened up yet, whose this?" I smile as i pull down my hood.

"Uncle danny this is owen, my best friend who has a serious hangover" they both laugh as i groan. "you got any muffins?" Hunter asks as we walk inside.

Woah! This place is beautiful! It looks like a old fashioned diner! Its so cute!

"Of course we have muffins! Ill make you two some pancakes to share too" i smile as we sit down. Wow danny is so nice.

I groan at how shit i feel. "Hey, how come you don't have a hangover." He smirks. "I only drank like three beers plus i can handle myself unlike you apparently. I pout, he is right though.

"Hey do you remember anything from last night?" I think for a moment before shaking my head slightly. "Nothing much, just dancing and loud music and cheering." He nods before looks down.

"Hey owen i need some advice" i raise an eyebrow at him. "I wanna break up with Jenna but i don't know, am i just being silly" my eyes widen.

"Hunter you should break up with her! You deserve so much more than her! She tried to cheat on you right in front of you! And no offence but you should have seen her before you came to the school! She caused drama like trying to split up ally and Connor! Shes rude and selfish" i breath in and smiles.

"thank god! I cant take any more of her! I hate her so much good!" We both laugh before he takes a moment to think.

"Im going to do it today. Can you sit in the car while i do it? This will be my first breakup." i nod and smile.

"Here you go boys! Dig in." we grin and take a bite. I let out a weird moan to my muffin. Hunter finds this a bit too funny. "Why do you even like muffins? They're pretty boring"

I look up, glaring my ass off to the boy ahead. "I dont think you understand my addiction to muffins hunter. I would die for them!" He chuckles and takes a bite out of my muffin.

"Hmm its alright i guess" i feel rage spark inside of me. "Not only did you steal my muffin but you also say it's boring? I don't think we can be friends anymore." I continue to mumble to myself causing him and danny to laugh.

"Id sacrifice you for a muffin Hunter Matthews, keep that in mind."

I glance over to the brunette who is struggling to breathe within his laughing fit. I cant believe he bit my muffin.


"Cya later boys. Oh and owen, heres a muffin basket" danny says while handing me a HUGE basket of muffins. My eyes water and i hug the man i met less than two hours ago.

I thank him and we say our goodbyes while walking out the door. Just as we walk out hunter snatches the muffin im currently eating and starts eating it.

I continue to walking to the car and sit inside and just before we set off i pounce. I slap his arm really hard and take the muffin back. Muffins are what is gonna make me a fat old man and I'm happy about that.

"Ok can you name one thing better than silly muffins" i pause for a moment. "Disney world, i've been once and it was the best experience of my life, i HAVE to go again one day." He chuckles at my childishness.

"Ok time to go to Jenna's" he smiles and starts the car. "Hey... you can have a muffin of your choice when you've done it" he smiles and scruff's my already messy hair. This is going to be interesting.

Hey guy!
Thanks for reading! Ik its bad but oh well!! Hope you enjoyed. Leave any ideas and i might do it or questions and i will answer!

Word count: 1183

Vote and comment! Cya next time bai!~


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