Chapter 1

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disclaimer: this is just fanfiction; the only thing I own is the plot.

backstory: they are all in the same grade, and the students (except for Isen, Arlo, Sera, and Elaine) to this day still don't know who the infamous Joker is, even after he was dethroned and shut into isolation. The school is peaceful, and the students are ready to start a new year, but stirrings within their hierarchal system soon make themselves present. 


Blyke groaned and slammed his hand on that stupid but necessary alarm clock. He rubbed his weary eyes and stumbled down to the bathroom.

John shrieked with only a bath towel around his waist. "Why can't you ever remember to knock?"

Blyke leaped back in shock and slammed the door, wishing he could scrub his eyes out. Rubbing his eyes, he tousled his red hair and started to make his breakfast which consisted of a scrambled egg, and a piece of toast. He had just finished when the bathroom door opened and out came John with a fresh uniform and perfectly gelled hair.

"Well, you finally made it out..." Blyke rolled his eyes, carefully choosing the right words making sure not to offend his extremely influential roommate. John had sent his ass to the infirmary in the past after all. But John just good-naturally smiled and replied, "Well, get up earlier! Any food for me?"

"You wish." Blyke grabbed a towel and stepped into the bathroom. As he climbed into the shower, he sighed, I wonder if Remi and Isen are free today. Blyke felt a pang of misery as he remembered what had just happened a week ago, but it felt like a fresh wound had just opened.


"Oh, will you shut up Blyke!?" Remi snapped as she pulled her arm from his firm grasp.

"But Remi, he-"

"I'm sick of you trying to stand up for me! All the others already make fun of me for being friends with people of lower status than me! They don't say it, but I know they disapprove of me being friends with you! Now, they see that you're trying to defend me when I can very well defend myself! It makes me look weak in front of them!"

"Fine. I was just trying to HELP my best friend. Is that not ok? And, I thought you didn't care about social rank! I thought you didn't care about how people saw you! I thought you just did things out of the goodness of your heart! And you know better than anyone that true friends know you in and out. I was just trying to help you, but I see you don't appreciate it."

"Wait, Blyke, please, I didn't mean that, I-" Remi's eyes widened as she bit her lip down to stop talking.

"Yes, you did, and you know very well what I'm talking about. You even hung out with Cecile that other day! Cecile! You don't even hang out with Isen and me anymore, just with those from rich and prestigious families. The high-tiers. What do you want to gain from them? Why would you, out of all people be 'friends' with them? Why are you acting like this?"

"Blyke, Cecile is really actually nice, you should give her a chance, I know she was horrible in the past, but she's changed and-"

"She's not even nice Remi! She hates you. Can't you see?"

"BLYKE! I believe Cecile is nice. Why the fuck are you so controlling? Stop questioning my choices. As for not hanging out with you and Isen, well, I don't have to hang out with you 24/7 do I? It is my choice.  So what if I care more about my social standing? What are you going to do about it?"

"What would Rei say if he were here Remi?"

Immediately he felt wretched as he saw her face go into shock.

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