Chapter 15

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"I hate you, i love you, i hate that i want you, you want her, you need her, and I'll never be her..."

Whispers clouded Elaine's memory for the entirety of the day. She didn't know whether it was a bad thing or a good thing that everyone avoided them like the flu.

Seraphina was troubled. But Elaine decided she would let her solve her own problems. Seraphina was strong.

Elaine, however, had no idea what to do. Was this how helpless Seraphina felt when she lost her ability?

She felt helpless. It was not the greatest feeling.

Meanwhile, Isen and Remi remained unstable. Remi radiated cold like a queen, walking confidently down the halls, icily staring everyone down. Isen sulked like a rat, scuttling around corners--avoiding all contact.

John's P.O.V

"You son of a b*tch." I growled, glaring at Arlo."What was that back there? God damn it, Sera probably hates me right now."

"I saved your a$$. You would've stammered on forever when she asked you that question. "

I hated to believe it, but that was true. The second I saw Sera, my mind went blank. How was I supposed to explain to her what I was doing with Arlo? Sh*t, why did I even involve myself with A$$lo? Did I expect a change? F*ck it, I was being a nice guy after that whole thing with Remi, because I felt somewhat bad for him. I mean, the whole thing could happen to me one day. With Sera and I. Sera and I...

"Oi, John!" Cecile glared at me with her sharp eyes," Pay attention! Are you still half asleep?"

"Who do you think you're talking to? I'm the joker, remember?" I said in a snide tone.

"I know that. You won't hurt me though." She responded with as much fire.

I rolled my eyes, feeling slightly grateful for her interrupting my thoughts. Sera and I were never going to happen. I hurt her too badly, anyway. There was no way. She probably hates me even more after the confrontation today.

Arlo cleared his throat, "Have we forgotten what we all came here for?"

"Of course not." I responded in a sarcastic tone, "We're here for you to get the love of your life back."

"You make it sound cheesier than it really is." He snapped back, running a hand through his already unruly hair.

"Anyway," Cecile crossed her arms, "What's your plan, Arlo?"

Arlo sighed, a deep one full of exasperation. "We'll be smart. Remi hates me. She'll never forget what happened. The only way is to make her forget."

He stopped as he waited for us to catch on.

"W-wait!" Cecile gaped," Don't tell me!"

"Indeed." He nodded gravely, "I'm afraid the only way to do to ask her."

I was extremely confused. Are they thinking of using some sort of brainwashing on Remi?

Arlo cockily tilted his head, "John. That's right. You can't possibly know who we're talking about?"

I glared at his smirk. "Arlo, you rat. You're a real piece of sh*t. You know right?"

He shrugged. "You don't have to work with me, you know that right?"

"I'm fulfilling the stupid promise I made you. Unlike scum like you, I actually keep my deals, no matter how much I hate it." I countered with more ferocity.

Cecile tapped her foot impatiently. "Can you two go at least 2 seconds without arguing?"

"Yes!" We both said. I struggled to keep my cool.

"Alright, so," Cecile continued, "There's this girl John. Arlo's cousin, I guess you could call her. Her name is Anya, and as you can guess, she does have a memory wiping ability. But, here's the catch, she's a half-breed, so she has two abilities. Her other one is steel, she's able to turn any part of her body into it. The only way to get her to do something for us is to defeat her in battle."

I tched," Sounds easy enough? It shouldn't be hard to defeat her. Steel is nothing against me."

Cecile shook her head," Don't underestimate her John. She's strong."

"Sure, sure." I murmured.

"Alright," Arlo continued," John, you'll fight Anya and get her to agree to wipe Remi's memories. I'll keep her distracted while you pull her over. I'll restrain Remi the second I see the two of you. Cecile, your job is to keep everyone away from the area, and for this operation to be in complete secrecy."

I sighed and vowed to punch myself a hell lot when I got home. Things kept getting worse and worse, and it wasn't ok. I was getting myself involved in something big, and it wasn't a good thing. Was I stupid or something? Where did that streak of niceness come from? Was I just in a forgiving mood that day? I cursed myself.

"Arlo." Cecile said firmly," Are you 100 percent sure you want to erase Remi's memories of that incident?"

"Yes." He narrowed his blue eyes, " I need her back. I need her back. The only way I'm getting her back is this way."

She shrugged, "Alright, suit yourself. I'm just here to help."

She swirled her head over to me, "Now, John. Are you 100 percent sure you want to do this?"

"Hell no." I growled," I'm disgusted with even the idea of doing this with you two! But, a promise is a promise, and I intend to keep it."

She sighed, "Well, I trust you're still part of the plan. Let's do it. Alright?"

"Hey, hey," Arlo teased, "Did we forget who was the leader of this team?"

I frowned, "Don't call this a team. Call it a...temporary partnership that I'm forcing myself to be part of because I make stupid decisions."

They both blanked as they stared at me.

"Ok, who cares?" Arlo exclaimed, "I'll let you both know when the operation will begin. For now, let's lie down low."

Cecile clucked her tongue in agreement and left.

I gave Arlo an intense look, "Alright buddy, I'm upholding my part of the bargain, and you'll hold yours."

He nodded somberly," Yes. Seraphina will stay safe. I promise you."

"Good," My face turned dark, "You know very well what will happen if that promise breaks."

He nodded, "Of course."

I left the room, slamming the door behind me. A cloud of unease drifted over my head.


Out of all of us, I'm sure I'm the most nervous. We had contacted Anya the day before, and she had agreed. I'm sure John will defeat her, he won't lose on purpose. Cecile had directed all the students away, spreading the rumor of poisonous gas. Everything was ready.

John and Cecile were on their way to Anya.

I was standing on the balcony, leaning forward, arms crossed on the rails.

"What do you want?" A familiar voice snarled behind me.

Remi, with her cotton candy hair and the scent of cherry, stormed to where I was standing. "Arlo, I knew you were the one who was up to this! What do you want?"

I smiled. Time to stall. "Hi, darling." 

Hi! Credits for Anya go to @suchfunwow--go read her uno fanfic too uwu :) 

eek I'm old now lol 

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