Chapter 20

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I remember.

I remember! It was so foggy before that I thought nothing of it...but now, it shone brighter than the moon on a starless night.

"Oh, my god." I said softly, taking the spirit's hands in my own, "It's my fault. I'm sorry, I'm sorry."

Wretched guilt.

"I remember..." A broken memory danced in the midst of my reach, and a headache burned its way through.

"Who...what did I forget? It was Arlo, wasn't it? I forget...but I think he did something to you?" I gasped as my mind was being ravaged into pieces. I ignored it. Damn him.

The spirit laid its hand on my shoulder and pulled me closer to its chest. It was cold--stone-cold- - and calmed the searing heat inside of my head.

I returned the hug, wrapping my hands around its neck, while I leaned forward a little, pausing a little before whispering a sweet reassurance in its ear. "Blyke."

His name.

He jolted backward and started to shatter into little fragments, light pouring from beneath. The fragments rearranged themselves to form a human body. They were almost like puzzle pieces, and he was the finished puzzle.

It was a mere few seconds before I felt his arms around me again. He looked the same, with that beautiful red hair and crimson eyes; but something felt off.

"God, Remi," He clung to me like he was never going to let it go, "Thank you. Thank you! You saved me! You saved my identity! You gave it back!"

His voice was so rusty, and it cracked a few times. But I remembered. Oh, I remembered the sound! I remembered the tone, the way it shifted, how so very honest and beautiful his voice was. I hesitantly touched his forearm. I felt horrible. Who took his identity? He shouldn't be thanking me—when I was the one who caused him to lose it in the first place by literally killing him. Indirectly, yes, but I was still the offender.

Remi, one issue at a time. Stay calm.

It just didn't feel real. Was the physical abuse on my spirit body causing me to go insane? Here I was in this world of pain, and he came along out of the blue! And I was still drowning! My body finally caught on to what was happening as my lungs combusted again.

When he kissed me again, my cheeks flushed. Now that was Blyke, a real human, I really didn't know how to feel. And...he loved me, but I wasn't sure if I loved him back. I couldn't figure out what to do.

"How come you're not drowning? How come you can breathe?" I murmured to him as he pulled away.

He hesitated, "It's complicated...I'll explain later when we're out of this place."

"And how are we going to get out?" I spewed out bubbles, "How the fuck can I talk underwater anyway?"

Blyke sighed, "I told you I'll explain it to you later. For now, I'm going to ask you to do something hard."

"Ha, I'm literally stuck in hell right now, I think I can handle it," I smiled.

He sucked in a breath, "In order to get you out of here. You need to forgive."

"Forgive who?" I responded sharply, "Arlo? 'Cuz I already have. No one would deserve this."

"No, Rem. I need you to forgive yourself."

An awkward silence followed.

"Forgive myself? What do you mean by that?"

"You feel horrible inside, Rem. Anyone could feel that." He patted my head, "I know you blame yourself for all the whole situation, but it isn't all your fault. Accept some of the blame and truth, and move on."

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