Chapter 9

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*Remi's P.O.V.*

Elaine's mouth was open with shock, the room was so quiet that you could hear a pin drop. All we could hear was Seraphina sobbing into John's shoulder.

John's father - er well the doctor, got up and looked over all of us grimly, "Death is never happy or easy to take well...unless you're some kind of psychopath..which I'm sure none of you are! Amirite? " He gave a nervous laugh.

"DAAD." John gritted his teeth and strained to keep from laughing hysterically and completely breaking down at the same time. I couldn't blame him.

As for me. I don't exactly what to do. I feel as if I'm spinning around in an endless void, trying to get out but at the same time wanting to succumb to the darkness forever. Ugh, I'm a little hot, maybe I should lay down, did I drink water today? I don't remember. Suddenly, sharp, hot pain ricochets up my spine and I screech and fall on chairs feeling some kind of relief as my back hits something hard with a loud CRACK! and everything goes black.

*Arlo's P.O.V.*

All of sudden Remi starts to flail and scream, faster than any of us can react she slumps over in a chair and we hear a loud cracking of broken bones. Seraphina faints too and John grunts as he hoists her up. Did Remi have some kind of a seizure?

"BABE!" I scream as I rush toward Remi's lifeless body. "BABE! WAKE UP! PLEASE!" I cry, half sobbing. 

A hand roughly shoves me back as John's dad moves forward. "NO! GET AWAY FROM HER!" I roar, but someone holds me back. "ARLO!" Elaine yells, "STOP!" I shake, something comes over me and I start bawling like a baby. Shame spreads through my entire body, but the tears don't seem to stop. "Y'know, sorry Arlo, you're not much help, I'm just going to put you over here, ok." She sighed. "Mr. Doe, do you think it was because of shock?"

"I believe so."

"Maybe she was a little excited about going to the mall that she forgot to drink enough water?"

Shame creeps through my body, I'm her boyfriend, I should have noticed.

She pushes me over to the side as Dr. Doe starts chanting some strange incantation. Uh. I look over to see Seraphina has recovered, now leaning against a chair for support, though still very weak. I feel calmer now. I can act like the leader I am now. 

I stand up, "John."


"Is Seraphina gonna be ok on her own?"

"She'll be fine."

"I need you to help Elaine and your dad."

"Got it."

We run over to Remi, "What can I do to help?"

"Talk to her, calm her down. She's panicking so the process is going slow." Elaine says without batting an eye, "John help your dad."

I trace her wrist with my finger, "Baby, if you can hear me, I want to let you know that you are the most amazing, beautiful person on earth, and I wouldn't trade you for the world. " I chuckle, "I'm not so good at being cool, but I'll tell you a story! One time, John and Blyke were outside waiting for Isen! Then-"

Remi suddenly coughs, a dribble of blood leaked from her mouth. Dammit! Ok, Arlo CHILL OUT. I can do this.

"You can do this Remi. You can do this. " I say fiercely.

*Elaine's P.O.V.*

I gaze over Arlo whispering to Remi with a protective loving gaze. Awww, how sweet....huh... I wish I had someone who looked at me like that. Arlo- Oh my fucking god, Elaine. Stop. 

"Elaine!" John hisses, I look over and see him sweating as he strains to keep Remi's heartbeat in control.

Mr. Doe was glowing. Physically glowing. Remi has a glowing aura around her and she looks like an angel being brought to heaven. Ok, no, bad reference. 

Remi sighs as she hit the ground and started snoring. Oh, thank god.

I turn to everyone's exhausted faces, "Guys, we did it. We actually did it." At once everyone in the room beamed with joy, but all of a sudden we remembered the whole reason we came here.


Seraphina steps in quietly, "Don't worry, I called the hospital staff. They already came and his body is now in a clean, private room. "

Mr. Doe nods. "Good job Sera. Alright, Arlo, please watch over Remi. Come on, yall, let's go see your friend and wish him a good farewell." With that, we all filed out of the room.

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