Chapter 3

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BRING BRING BRING! The bell rang, dismissing the students to lunch. 

Elaine walked into the cafeteria, hoping that she comforted Blyke, she sighed as she approached their "special lunch table"

It was only for the students who had taken part in "the John incident" specifically: Elaine, Arlo, John, Seraphina, Isen, even Remi, and Blyke. She showed no surprise to see Arlo and Remi locking lips in the middle of the public. People were gawking at them, snapping pictures, and gossiping. The message was obvious. They were official.

Elaine felt something crumple up in her. He won't even like you. You're just another elite-tier who can't even confess! That sudden burst of confidence when she spoke to Blyke was gone. 

She felt a sudden flare of jealousy toward the pink-haired girl sitting in Arlo's lap, feeding him little bits of mashed potatoes. They're disgusting...

"Elaine!" Elaine blinked and saw Remi waving, "I got you a little something! It's for the time you gave me a little money for my friend's birthday present. Sorry, it's a little late." 

She handed Elaine a neatly wrapped present. "Here you go! I can't believe the package was shipping for two weeks! I had to contact the postal office and call them, but then they said-" 

As Remi continued to ramble on, Elaine felt nothing but shame at that moment. How could I think that? Even I didn't was so long ago...such a small thing too! could you? At least be happy for her that she has a little love and support in her life! She's loving and passionate and sweet. She actually cares about what she does. 

"R-Remi! You didn't have to-" She said, interrupting Remi mid gasp.

"Of course I have to! I never let a debt go unpaid! You're my good friend, Elaine. You deserve all the affection in the world." Elaine felt herself tearing up, the rotten feelings inside her dissipating. 

"Remi, thank you!" Before she knew it, she was leaping into the arms of her rival. "Besides," She teased, "I already got my gift! When I saw you two together, it made my day!"

"Awwww, thanks! By the way, I wanted to ask you whether you wanted to go shopping with Seraphina and me today? Ya know, just a little girl time together?"

"I would love to," Elaine said warmly. "But, um, sorry to cut our conversation short, but, Remi, can I talk to you for a private?"

 "Sure, what is it?"

"Er-something private. Come on."

The two girls walked to the edge of the cafeteria near the staircase; Remi leaned in, "What?"

"I saw Blyke earlier."

Remi's face turned frosty, and Elaine felt her heart sink, "Oh."

"He was crying, and don't take it the wrong way! But, I think he was upset to see you with Arlo."

Remi looked troubled, "I see. Thank you for telling me." 

A younger student cleared their throat, breaking the tension that suddenly coated the atmosphere, and the girls whirled around. They tapped Remi on the shoulder, and whispered something in her ear, "Oh god, Elaine sorry I got to go! My-uh, friends need to see me about something. See you at the mall at 5!" Remi sped off.

Elaine frowned when she overheard a little. Are her and her new friends having problems? She felt even guiltier. I hope I didn't make her too upset....oh shut up! You wanted to make her upset, didn't you?

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