Chapter 23

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this doesn't have anything to do with the storyline just something i wrote for fun lol sorta like a crack chapter ig? this might be a bit ooc forgive me 🥺 did this on phone so spacing might be off-

oMg sera's such a siMp (she can't help it)

11:32 am

[mrmilkman has logged in]

mrmilkman: lmfaoo guys wtf is this

[Seraphina has logged in]

Seraphina: oh our old group chat lol

mrmilkman: what the hell is this name who came up with this shit??

Seraphina: Isen, we can only change our own names

mrmilkman: i- no way! blyke probably did something that asshole ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ

Seraphina: bruh. im sorry- but- why is it so hard for you to accept the truth sometimes lmao and also wtf is the chat name? I'm not a fucking simp.

mrmilkman: damn, quit denying it. you're a simp for those characters in mangas and animes that you tried to keep hidden from the rest of us but we found them stashed in ur cabinet anyway bc ur dumbass couldnt stop ranting and fangirling and we were sick of it-

Seraphina: why tf did you guys care anyway? you should've just told me to stop. why did u take them away 🥺

mrmilkman: sweetie, we TRIED. it was for ur own good. u went three whole days without sleep to binge an anime. so we took it away SO YOU COULD REST. and you tried to stop us?! you were also getting really annoying, talking abt how tired u were when it was all ur fault and how beautiful the animation was - BUT I PROMISE YOU ur wellbeing comes first ofc.

Seraphina: o-

mrmilkman: I just wanna let you know WE fully support you and whatever ur interests are, even if one of them is reading abt an abusive relationship with a serial killer who cuts off ankles and thinking he's hot. 😃😸✨ love you 😘

Seraphina: LMAO stfu bitch you want to die?

mrmilkman: 😭 actually yes.

mrmilkman: anyway, what's with the unnecessary amount of bl? Like is this one of ur hobbies? kinda weird dont u think? not judging I promise 😔

Seraphina: 🤡 im sure ur not. Next time I see u, u better run

mrmilkman: nah, I'll stand straight there while you kill me. too lazy to run. it's not like anyone has forgotten how obsessed you were Seraphina lmao. you don't have to be embarrassed 😩 also wasn't there this one asmr or smthn that you listened to every night-

Seraphina: I have no idea what you're talking about.

[TheGreatKing has logged in]

TheGreatKing: Hello? I just got out of prison and discovered this chat on my phone. I did some redemption activities and some community volunteering to get out earlier than my release date if anyone was wondering.

mrmilkman: OMG ITS ARLO

Seraphina: yes, we can all see that

TheGreatKing: Seraphina? Isen? I's been a while.

Seraphina: Indeed.

mrmilkman: yah

mrmilkman: what's up with everyone? what are yall doing?

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