Chapter 16

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Remi glared with such intensity I flinched. She was the sun. Literally. "Cut it short A$$lo. What do you want?"

I nervously wrung my hands together," Look, I know you don't want to talk. But we need to."

She sighed with exasperation, "Had I not made things clear already? We're DONE."

I sighed. "Can you really not forgive me?"

Remi looked like she wanted to strangle me. "Why the hell did you start that rumor of poisonous gas and scare all the students away? What the fu*k is wrong with you?"

I winced. God, her words stung. Maintaining my cool aura, I smirked and said something that would most definitely tick her off. "I'm the King of this school; I can do what I want, darling."

She blew a fuse.

"I give up on you! How can a person be this horrible and narcissistic?" She cast a disgusted look.

"How can a person remain the exact same even though everything?" I said airly, cringing at my own words.

"Oh god," She groaned, "Not this issue again. I'm the same person! I don't understand why everyone keeps saying otherwise."

I laughed. My own actions sickened me. "Look closer! Look harder. You're still the same naive little girl I know as Rei's sister. Nothing's changed for me."

She sat down and buried her face in her hands. " this really ok? Leaving this whole mess I caused to the authorities? Wouldn't that be the right choice? Am I really doubting myself now?"

Her breath quickened, and she clawed at her cheeks as she choked back a sob. "I feel faint. I feel so confused. What am I supposed to do?"

I grasped her wrists gently as I removed her fingers from her face. "Breathe, Remi. Listen for a second. I suggest you go with your instinct. Do what you think right because that's always what the Remi I know always had done."

She pushed me away, "STOP IT! ARLO! What the hell is wrong with you? Can't you tell I'm-"

She was hyperventilating. It was painful to watch.


I was in a room, alone with Cecile and face-to-face with the one I needed to fight. She was beautiful, this Anya. But also so fucking arrogant. Who did she remind me of? Oh, her dear cousin, Arlo.

"Who did you get there? Johnnyboy? Who's the green-haired chick?"

"She won't interfere," I answered through gritted teeth.

Anya raised an eyebrow. "Mm, all right?"

She strode over to me and spit her gum out. "Arlo planned this right? Why the hell did he decide to do it on the day of the operation? What kind of a stupid plan is this? Shouldn't you have fought me beforehand so I could've just gone with you?"

"Arlo said that you would only fight on the day of the plan." Cecile retorted. "So it's not our fault."

Anya stopped in her tracks. Whirling around, she grasped Cecile's chin. She was already tall, but wearing iron stilts she towered over Cecile. "Oh, sweetheart. Didn't Johnnyboy say you weren't involved in this? Shut your mouth before I make you." Anya smiled sweetly.

Cecile spat out blood as she was released. She grasped her jaw, and I swear I can hear shattered bone in there. Panic lit in her eyes.

"But yes, she's quite right. I like to see the despair in people's eyes as their plan fails because they lose against me. It's such an enjoyment."

"You bitch." I snarled, hands gripped into fists. "You really are a monster."

"That's sweet, coming from you." She smiled. "John Doe got kicked out of his old school New Bostin for violence and brutality. And, almost got kicked out of Wellstone for terrorism and the exact same thing! My, my, you really don't learn do you?"

She really got on my fucking nerves. But, it really was just a show for her, was it? All fun and games for her to taunt people because it's just that fun for her. She gave those poor souls hope and then just immediately smashes it into pieces. She's like Arlo but ten times worse. The bad bitch version. But, unlike the "confident bad bitch who won't let anyone talk her down", no one likes her because she's rude and despicable.

Well, Anya. Two can play at this game.

"Well, fuck you." I taunted, "What could make a girl turn out to be this nasty? What the hell happened to you? Do you get out of the wrong side of the bed every day? Was it..a tragic past? An unloved child?" I swooned, "Or...did a past lover really hurt you that badly?"

"Enough trash talk," She snaps. "Let's get on with it. Don't you have a plan to get back to?"

I really had struck a nerve for this bitch to lose her smirk. "So typical. Tell me, was it you that broke it? Or him?"

"Shut up!" She screamed, swinging a punch at me, missing and cracking the wall in two. "AT LEAST GET HER PRONOUNS RIGHT, YOU JERK!"

Her right eye pulsed blue and Anya snarled like a wild beast.

My eyebrow raised. "Girlfriend then, my bad."

"Fiancé. But it doesn't matter now. I've heard about you, John Doe. Copying other's abilities?" She licked her lips, "But, my ability took years to master, there's no way you can do it in such a short span!"

She lunged at me again and I barely sidestepped, "Don't underestimate me, sweetheart." She's losing her senses to rage. Shouldn't she know better than this?

She punched me right in the gut, "Iron fist!" I gagged as I flew and slammed into the wall, creating an indent. insides were shattered.

I activated Elaine's ability and heal myself as I keep an eye on her.

"Not such a sweet talker now, are we?" She raged.

She disappeared in a flash, and my mind roiled in a state of confusion. Wasn't she just here-

Wait. I don't remember. What the hell? What was I supposed to do next?

"Fuck you!" She appeared out of the blue and slams her leg into my already shattered intestines.

What the hell? I gasped as I kneel over in pain, coughing blood. What the hell?

"Don't you remember my other ability? YOU BASTARD?" She shrieked with laughter, driving her fist into my scalp.

My vision started to blackout as the pain overwhelms me. I twist my head for a split second, and I see devil horns growing out of her damn head.

What was her...other ability? My head hurts...everything is so cloudy. MEMORY? SHE WOULDN'T! DID SHE TAKE AWAY MY FUCKING MEMORY?

"You cheater.." I gasped.

"Cheater?" She leered, looking at my face, eyes set in a dazed mania.

"I'm not cheating! We're fighting aren't we? This is my power."

I closed my eyes to focus for a second. My vision swam. "You fucking bitch."

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