Chapter 10

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We dressed in white suits in silence. The doctors and nurses watched us solemnly, you could feel the tension spiking in the air.

The only people missing were Arlo and Remi, but she was in a hospital room resting, on the doctor's strict orders, snoring peacefully, and of course, Arlo demanded that he be by her side. Mr. Doe had to leave, giving a sad farewell.

I  choked slightly, how I could I be so helpless? How could I? I was just standing there paralyzed, while the others rushed to rescue him. How could you Seraphina? I was fucking useless. Even as they tried their best to save him, I just stood there...

You're a failure. Those words echoed in my mind.

You could've saved him! I screamed at myself. If you would've been a bit faster you could've saved him!

It's all your fault.

Seraphina! How did you get a 99!

Do you want to become like your sister? The failure? Then come on! FOCUS!

S-sorry Seraphina...I had a family emergency, I couldn't finish the project.

No excuses Seraphina, I'm sorry, but I'll have to give you a c.

Haha, that dumb b*tch actually believed me, all I have to do is suck up to her and she'll believe anything. God, she's so gullible.


She was filled with rage and pain.

Blood spilled everywhere at her feet; the cries of the pathetic losers echoing in her head; everyone scuttled in her shadow.

No one will lie to me now. I am perfect. I am the best. I will succeed.

No...! Dark memories flashed by. Stop it!

"SERA!! HELLO! " Elaine and John were waving their hands in her face.

"What? Oh, sorry. Let's just go on."

Elaine looked convinced but John worriedly whispered to me as we went into the room, "You okay?"

I numbly nodded, and all of a sudden, ice filled my toes, and I was unable to walk.

There was Blyke, his body stiff and dead. His soft red hair had been messed up in the crash, so it was now a bit unruly. His usually piercing red eyes were glassy and stared off into space. His fair skin was scratched up, the blood was cleaned, but you could still see the marks.

Elaine stumbled into me, and John caught us both.

"Blyke.." Elaine whispered. She put her head in her hands and silently cried.

I wished I could comfort her, but the throbbing in my heart would not stop. I looked over at John, a single crystal tear was sliding off his cheek. Of course, they were roommates, they were friends, John regarded Blyke as a brother, just like Isen. Isen! No! He would be heartbroken.

My face was gushing with tears as I thought about more of his friends and family hurting. It was all my fault. I'm so sorry Blyke, I could've saved. No Sera! A little voice in my head said. It is NOT your fault! Trust me Blyke does not blame you.

No, it is my fault. How would you know? Oh, great voice? I thought sarcastically.

"Sera?" John croaked, "Are you alright?"

"Oh, yes, yes, fine." I murmured softly.

"Excuse me." A nurse said. "I'm sorry, but you will all have to step out now. Your 5 minutes is up."

We nodded and closed the door behind us. Once I made sure no one was watching, I sighed, "I'm so sorry guys. It's all my fault."

"What?" John looked shocked.

"Seraphina. Listen up. What you're going through right now is survivor's guilt. STOP. I promise you, we will get through this, and you are not the one at fault, we all are. It's actually mainly my fault...If only I was stronger and smarter...I was so weak, and I didn't know anything!" She broke off, "Never mind, look at me." I could not bring myself to look at her sharp gaze.

"If you think it's your fault, I'm definitely at blame here." John mumbles, "I'm stronger than you."

"SERAPHINA LOOK AT ME!" I turned to look into her piercing eyes, scared of her unusually harsh tone.

John made a motion to stop her but she barked, "GO AWAY JOHN!" And he slunk off.

All the tears had dried up, their scars were still visible on her pale face.

She faced me, her eyes sparkling wildfire, electricity shooting between the two of us, "Seraphina, snap out of it. Where is my loving, willful roommate? Where is she? COME ON SERA! Fight!"

I paused, me being roommates with Elaine had been so long ago. After the incident, Remi roomed together with me to ensure my safety. Silly really, but I couldn't really say I was 100 percent sure I could defend myself even with my powerful ability. What if it got taken away again and I really couldn't get it back? Yall remember this book is NOT CANON lol.

I remember Elaine had moved in with another one of her friends, and John and Arlo stayed right next door, with a special camera that showed where I was at all times installed in their room. I laughed dryly, god they were so protective. Well, John was at least. Arlo was only there for Remi.


"Yeah? Sorry?"

"Remember, don't blame yourself, ok? We love you and would be devastated if you did something to hurt yourself."

"Alright. Thanks, Elaine."

"No problemo." She was back to her usual beaming self.

I scuffed my sneaker on the floor and pulled out my phone. I need to text mom.

I NEVER texted my mother, unless it was something important. This was.

Mom, a really close friend of mine died, I need to get money for a funeral. Could you help me?

Why, Seraphina! Are you really asking me for my help?

Mother, please. Blyke just passed away.



Excuse me? I see, one of your school friends. Fund it yourself then.

Do you have no heart? I have no job! He died, mother! You're rich! Spare some, please, I beg you!

It's called thinking with your head Seraphina, imagine how much money that is! And the shame our family will get for helping a mid-tier! I don't care if he's a nice guy, still weak. really are an awful person.

Seraphina!  Narisa put down her phone and sighed, rubbing her forehead with two fingers. Alright, play it your way Seraphina.

Okay, okay, I will arrange his funeral, but on one condition.


Be my perfect daughter again.

Seraphina: Typing...


Mwahahaha is this considered short? Idk, let me know if yall want them longer. I just wanted to leave it on a cliffhanger-ish?

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