Chapter 4

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Sera walked through the halls of Wellstone frowning. Where was John? He had promised her he would meet her at the roof after lunch, but she hadn't seen a sign of him. I wonder what happened? She let out a sigh, can I even trust you anymore John? I'm going to try, for both of our sakes. 

After you hurt all these're a monster. I'll be the angel that replaces your darkness with light. 

SHI-"I'm sorry! I'm sorry Seraphina!" Please don't punish me!" Squeaked a girl with purple hair in a braid kneeling on the ground.

Sera winced and rubbed her injured side, "Rewind..."

The girl stood kneeling on the ground, afraid to meet the piercing blue eyes of Seraphina, the most powerful god-tier in the school.

"What's your name?"


"What's your name?"


"Nelima, huh?"

"Y-yes ma'am."

"Be more careful next time."

"Yes ma'am, I promise I will."

Sera muttered irritatedly," You're lucky you bumped into me, another other high-tier and you would've been dead meat."

"Y-yes ma'am! THANK YOU, MA'AM!" Yelled the girl as she scurried off.

"Hey Seraphina, what's going on?" Said a familiar voice.

Sera turned to see Elaine, with her blue hair ruffled and a worry line wrinkled on her forehead.

"Ah, nothing much. Are you ok?"

Elaine waved nonchalantly," Yeah, yeah I'm fine..."

She's definitely not okay...was it you again Arlo? I swear to god, he literally knows she likes him and just wants to break her heart. Such a damn player. He's not that he? At this point, I'm sure Remi has some idea of what's going on. But she's also naive. Dang, those two...

"Remi wanted me to tell you we're going shopping after school."

"I mean, shopping isn't really my thing.." She said tiredly. Normally she would jump at the opportunity to buy some new clothes, but her professors had stacked on so much homework that she was debating whether or not to pull an all-nighter. 

"Um, remember all the times you drag John over to the mall?"

"Oh. Er..."

"Please come with me Seraphina!"

Sera looked into Elaine's pleading eyes. She sighed," Alright, come with me." She beckoned with her hand to a space wedged between two lockers. I can't resist those innocent eyes. 

Elaine slumped down and put her hands over her head. "I really don't want to be stuck shopping with Remi."

"What's your problem with Remi?"

"Nothing! That's the problem! I don't know why I hate her so much! She's a sweet, amazing, beautiful girl and I would never harm her, she's one of my best friends too! So why, does my heart fill with hatred whenever I see her? I hate her, even more, when she's nice to me. Why can't she be horrible so I don't have to feel guilty hating her?"

"Um...well, I'm thinking perhaps you could be jealous?"

"I know that. But I've never been jealous of the girls Arlo's dated before! So why her?"

Sera waved her hand dismissively, "Is it because you two are friends? Are you worried that Arlo might actually stick with her this time? I think that might be it. You describe her as a perfect girl, so are you worried Arlo will actually fall in love this time? You're afraid, aren't you? You're afraid to lose any chance you have with him. I don't think Remi knows you like him...she's kinda clueless. I'm not really sure since I've never experienced this type of situation. I'm sorry but I can't help very much. "

Elaine's face fell, "Yeah, maybe."

"Very well, I'll come with you. I'm curious to figure out this love triangle myself." Sera sighed, her homework could wait. She would just make up a lame excuse. 

"Oh, you will! Thanks!" Elaine squealed with joy, hugging her, "Thank you for your advice! I...understand. For not knowing a lot about love, you're quite perceptive. I think...that might be the reason. It would be painful if Arlo and Remi last. They're in our friend group and  to see them like that every day--sorry, I'm being selfish." 


Elaine jumped, "Ah, there's the bell! I've got to get to English or Professor's gonna kill me! Thanks again Seraphina! You have no idea how much this means to me! Bye!" And she rushed off and away.

Sera shook her head, she's so crazy, but I love her for that. I'm a little concerned. She needs to move on. She can't chase after Arlo forever. I'm sorry to think this, but, he'll never give her a second glance. 

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