Chapter 21

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The first thing I noticed when I woke up was the softness around my head. It was heavenly. Reluctantly, I opened my eyes and immediately recoiled at the brightness. Damn! Wincing I rubbed my eyes and blinked till the black dots disappeared and my eyes focused on my surroundings. I was in a sort of golden cubicle; it was designed like it was part of a palace, all fancy, and whatnot, and a velvet canopy resting on top four marble columns obscured the roof of the room from my sight.

The sheets felt so silky against my skin. So soft and silky. My bare skin. I flushed. 

"Well, it seems you're awake," A voice next to me yawned.

I shrieked and almost sprang out of bed before I realized again: I was naked. I sat up and scrunched up the covers over my body. "BLYKE! What the hell?"

My cheeks turned red, "We d-didn't do anything, did we?"

He frowned, thankfully he had a shirt and shorts on, "No! If you're implying what I think you are, then you must know that I wouldn't ever take advantage of you like that."

I was at a loss for words.

"You freaking pervert!" I slapped him, "How could you sleep next to me in the same bed! I'm not even clothed! What the hell?"

"Wait," He waved his hands desperately, "Let me explain!"

So cute...stop it Remi! Agh! But that sleepy morning voice and his hair. Why? WHY?

"Hurry before I beat the living shit out of you," I fixed him with my coldest glare.

He turned away from me, and the tips of his ears flushed red, "A-after you collapsed, you passed the test, of course, the gods decreed that you were worthy and told me I could do what I wanted to you, and teach you the ways of this world. Then, I let the maiden spirits clean you up and heal your wounds when all of a sudden screams came from the bathroom. So, I rushed in, and you literally clung on to me, and you wouldn't let go. I don't even know how but you dragged me to the bed and almost strangled me. You wouldn't let go for the rest of the night, so I couldn't get myself out of your hold without hurting you, so I just let you be."

"B-baka! You should've hurt me!" I spluttered, "I'll always forgive you! And if it's for that reason I will be grateful!"

"Oh, is that so...?" He murmured, scratching his head, still looking at the floor.

I stopped talking as a sense of dread overcame me, "Now that I think about it...I did have a dream that I was home, and I was sleeping with my bear, and it kept trying to slip away from me..."

Within seconds I was on the marble floor at his feet kneeling, "I'M SO SORRY! FORGIVE ME!"

He snickered, "Yeah, keep apologizing. And you still sleep with a teddy bear at this age? BAHAHA!"

My head shot up and I glared at him; he was clutching his stomach and rolling around on the bed wheezing. "SO WHAT? It's not a big idea!"

I flopped onto the bed next to him and pressed my hand onto his forehead to prevent him from rolling, "Now, I think it's time to fulfill that promise you made me? Tell me."

His expression sobered immediately and he closed his eyes. When he opened them again, they looked weary and so tired.

"Yes, I guess I will. I'll explain where we are first. We're in a star I guess you could say, and the flashing is the solar flares. But it's not really a star...more like a depiction of a star but it's made up of something completely different? Anyway, when I died I was brought here to heaven, but I was kinda mad over what happened. So, I spent a long time here; it made me crazy, wondering what was happening in the real world—so I had to do something about it."

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