Chapter 22

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I hummed contently, adjusting my hair before stepping outside my apartment. 

It's been a long time--three years to be specific. Three years since I've graduated; three years since my dead friends' faces have been all over the newspaper headlines; three years since I've gone to college and started a new life; three years since Arlo and John landed themselves in juvie.

John and Arlo were charged with manslaughter and property destruction and were expected to spend 15 years in prison. I suspected that Arlo would get it nicer than John--for various reasons.

College was a whole lot different from high school. I had made new friends, experienced new things, and focused more on school. No one really questioned my past, which made me both glad and sad at the same time. None of my friends in high school really kept in touch with me anymore, which was understandable, but none of my memories would ever disappear, no matter how much I wanted them to. Those feelings would never go away. 

I wanted to forget everything. 

After the whole mess, things started to calm down. People started recovering from the shock, starting to rebuild trust again, and things went back to normal. I started to go to school again, and I was a loner again. None of them were here anymore, except for Isen, and we did get closer, but not enough to consider him a best friend. 

I was just grateful none of the other students had gotten hurt.

I studied and studied, and cared a heck lot more about school. I started doing better on tests and handing in projects and homework on time. It was all a distraction. It was all to distract me from that pain of losing my friends. People seemed surprised to see I had recovered so quickly, after things fell apart, but I brushed them off.  Even my family was more careful around me, especially my mother.

 I didn't need anyone but myself to survive in this world.

I started to push all feelings away. I didn't want to suffer anymore. One more deception or dishonesty in a relationship and my heart would finally break.  

Apparently, the low-tier resistance had gone into hiding after the police started to look for them more seriously. They could deal with high-schoolers like us, but once the superheroes started to get involved, they backed off. Someone told me later on that the leader had some crazy idea that Remi was their great leader and no one could change his mind otherwise. I couldn't imagine how she had felt.

Their goal was to change the world so I couldn't get mad at them for that, as I wanted the same...but, in this reminded me of the way John wanted to change the system, but he went about it the wrong way. 

John. I trusted you, even after you betrayed me once, even though I still had those suspicions about you, I trusted you! I was much more furious than sad--angry that he manipulated me into thinking he had changed, angry that I was once more the victim! 

Justice will be brought. You will suffer in hell, John. My nails dug into my palms, drawing blood, and I smiled so hard my teeth almost cracked. 

A glint of light appeared in the corner of my vision; it looked like an angel was flying over the sun, her white dress flowing and her kind eyes gazing at me with such love. She raised her arm and a thousand beams of light were refracted toward me, illuminating a path ahead. 


The people walking beside me on the campus grounds stopped and stared at awe, pointing at the sight, and taking pictures.

I see. I shouldn't be thinking like this, should I? I wouldn't want to end up like...him. 

I dropped my head back to the ground, the corners of my mouth curving slightly upward, and continued walking. You're gorgeous, Elaine. Thank you. 

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