Chapter 17

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"Shut up for a second, and let me tell you a story."

What a brilliant idea John! So brilliant! Simply marvelous! Why not tell a story while you're busy dying?

She paused for a second, confused. "A story?"

"Yeah." I gasped.

Anya frowned, her anger cooling, "I dunno why you're delaying it, you're going to lose anyway. i don't know if you're just stupid or brave. Maybe a little of both."

"Just listen. Won't you?"

"Whatever, Johnnyboy."

I closed my eyes and imagined a pulse-pounding deep inside me. Gradually spreading like waves, things started to heal. "Once upon a time - "

"Oh come on! A fairy tale?" She scoffed, standing back up. "I don't need to hear such childish things. Stand back up, Johnnyboy, let's continue."

"Once upon a time," I said louder, "There was a boy by the name of John."

"Oh?" She quirked an eyebrow, "A life story?" She sat down again. "It's your time you're wasting."

I shrugged, "Perhaps. God, woman let me finish."

Anya rolled her eyes.

"There was a boy by the name of John. He was born a low-tier and was teased about it every day. He hated it but hid it deep into his soul. This turned out to be a bad idea, however, when evil started to corrupt his soul. He entered middle school, and his powers spiked. Soon, he was the King of the school. He sought revenge, and he wanted to make those who had bullied him in the past to pay. So he became the worst a person could be. The students of the school planned a rebellion, but he crushed them all to smithereens. He was hurt. He had been betrayed by the person he loved the most, a girl by the name of Claire who had organized the rebellion. When he was expelled, he realized what a monster he had become. His father gave him a book and told him to read it. It was a book that changed his life forever. The book UnOrdinary. "

"Oh!" Anya let out a gasp. "I've read it. Before it was forbidden, that is."

I tched. "He entered high school, vowing to never do the same thing ever again. He disguised himself as a cripple and was bullied every day like the past. But every time, every time he wanted to reveal himself, he thought of Claire's face, and he hated himself. He met Seraphina one day, and he felt everything brightening. Everything was going well until Arlo interfered. He beat up John because he was messing with Seraphina's old mind. John was enraged and revealed his power, almost killing Arlo and his two companions."

"Oh god." Anya shook her head, "Of course he would do that, Arlo and his messed up hierarchy."

"Finally someone understands me!" I threw my hands up into the air, "Anyway, then things went from bad to worse. John became the Joker and vowed to take down every royal. It was a success, however, this promoted all sorts of fake Jokers around the school. This created mass chaos, until Arlo and his crew stepped in and fixed up the mess. John saw how they fought so hard to give low-tiers a chance, and yet, again, he changed. This time, for the better. He became friends with everyone, and finally saw the perspective of all the others."

I paused.

"So? What happened?" Anya demanded.

I shrugged, "Who knows? Maybe, one day he'll defeat a girl named Anya!"

I activated Blyke's light beam and catch her in the shoulder.

"AUGH!" She hurled backward. "Dude, what the hell?"

"We're still fighting!" My innards were now fully healed, with just a few scratches on the outside. It was fine; I had handled far worse. I combined Clio and Heinz's abilities and caught up to her as she scuttled backward holding her shoulder. I then rapidly punched her in every exposed area of her body, dizzying her before she gets the chance to throw up an iron wall.

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