Chapter 18

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I'm so confused. My mind is whirling, and my head pounds. I know where I am. In the infirmary, with Arlo, my boyfriend, and Elaine, one of my best friends.

"Oh, Remi!" Elaine cried, "You're awake, thank goodness."

"Hey, babe." Arlo pecked me on the cheek, "How are you? How do you feel?"

I frowned, resting a hand on my forehead, "I feel...fine. But, what happened? All I remember is low tier army news...and then I blacked out."

Elaine and Arlo exchanged looks.

"I dunno either." Elaine finally admitted with earnest eyes, "All I saw was Arlo rushing you to the infirmary; it turns out you've lost part of your memory too!"

"We were on the rooftop," Arlo began to explain, "And you suddenly swayed too forward and fell off the roof. "

"Oh." I frowned, pressing my hand to my temple. "Did I really? How careless." 

"D-don't worry! You're all safe and sound, nothing to worry about now! The Doc and I fixed you up fine!" Elaine said cheerily, but I couldn't help but notice a tinge of sadness in her tone.

"Thank you." I sighed, flopping back into the infirmary bed, "I dunno what I would do without you guys...I just wish I could regain my memory. It just feels so...strange and empty inside."

"Don't worry, babe. It's probably just the after-effects,  but I'm sure little-by-little, we'll get your memory back." Arlo rubbed my shoulder gently. Was it just me, or did he sound slightly guilty? It was probably just my imagination...yes...I was delirious at the moment.

A crash sounded outside and Arlo's eyes narrowed as he stood up. "Elaine, take care of Remi for a few minutes. I'm going to sort out what's going on outside on the roof. I swear to god, these idiots I have to rule over."

The door slammed shut behind him.

An awkward silence followed.

I sprang up from my hospital bed, "You know, Elaine! I could go for some fresh air right now! Accompany me?"

Elaine sighed, "You mean stalk, Arlo?"


"And check out the place where you fell?"

"...Girl, you know me too well."

"Ok, lemme help you up."

I shakily stood up, with the help of Elaine's arm. My vision blurred, and I squinted until I could finally see the door.

"Alright, I think I'm ok." I took a few baby steps to test it out, "I'm glad I didn't forget how to walk. Let's go"

I opened the door and face planted. Typical.

"Remi!" Elaine helped me to my feet, "Gosh, girl! Be careful."

I winced and got up, "I somehow don't doubt that I accidentally fell off the rooftop now."

After a few moments of experimentation, Elaine and I were off.

"Remi! Slow down!" She gasped, trying to keep up with my long strides.

"No can do, Elaine! We best hurry, I want to see what my blond-haired boyfriend is up to!"

I dragged her up the stairs and kicked open the door, the sunlight making my eyes hurt again.

What I saw in the next few moments would change my life forever.


I was getting seriously frustrated. John hadn't answered my texts, and I knew for sure he was at school today. It was lunchtime, and we were allowed to have our phones out. However, he wasn't in any of my classes! I didn't want to appear like the kind of obsessive yandere girlfriend, so I brushed the issue past me. But, that didn't stop a cloud of jealousy from darkening over my head. What if...he was seeing some other girl?

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