Chapter 2

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Blyke turned around a corner into his classroom. Nerves were already beginning to settle in his stomach. Would she like it? Would she forgive him? He saw her talking to Arlo, and he gagged when he neared them enough to see she was sitting on his lap. Remi purred and leaned in for a bit, and Arlo wrapped his arms around her and they kissed. Kissed. They kissed.

Blyke's world crashed. He felt blurry, his eyesight faltering. He raced out of the classroom and threw himself on the door of the bathroom. He felt numb, full of shock and misery. The pain was flooding his limbs, he felt unable to move, unable to speak.

Was this heartbreak? How did they stand it? 

He wanted to die.

Remi, how could you so easily break my heart like this?       

"Er-Blyke?" Blyke rubbed his swollen eyes and he looked, up to the teal-blue eyes of Elaine. 

"What!" The words came out harsher than he meant them to be.

She jumped back, frightened, "Y-you dro-opped t-this in the cc-classroom, I-I thought y-you m-might wa-ant to h-have i-it."

He grimly eyed the small orange bag and growled, "Throw it away,"

Elaine looked surprised, "Huh?"


"Oh. This is what you wanted to give to Remi wasn't it?"

"How did you know?"

"I saw you run when they kissed." She stated so bluntly, so innocently, that he slapped her.


"I understand." Elaine calmly stated, "I understand."

" No you don't, no one does."

"Yes, I do. Don't you remember Blyke? I love Arlo."

He stared at her with a blank expression before it all came crashing down. Right...He remembered.  Elaine must be in much more pain than he was. She had loved Arlo ever since primary school. But Arlo, oblivious to the fact that she was head-over-heels in love, dated almost every pretty high-tier girl in the school. Blyke remembered that one night in middle school, he had found Elaine sobbing in the janitor's closet while the others laughed. He found out that she was about to tell Arlo her feelings but his stupid phone went off. It turns out it was Katelyn, Arlo's latest playtoy. Arlo had hurried off, not even taking notice of Elaine calling out to him. Stupid Ass-lo.

"I'm used to it now. That feeling when he finds himself a new girlfriend and does things that I can only imagine with her? It hurts. Real bad. But I force it down every time because he does deserve his own happiness, and he can choose whoever he likes to date. Someday, I will be brave enough to confess, and I believe one day, Arlo will love me." Elaine stated in an almost dreamy voice, "You best be off to class, the bell's about to ring." She strode off in an almost arrogant manner.

He deserves his own happiness...

Blyke bit down on his lip. Remi deserved the world, especially after how he had treated her during their fight. If Arlo made her happy, then so be it. He was just going to have to force a smile and pretend to be happy--just to see her smile. He would do anything to see her flash a smile and a thumbs up at him again. 

He swiped at his tears with his thumbs angrily. This was stupid. In Elaine's words, she could date whoever she wanted, why did it matter so much to him? He groaned and buried his head in his hands, I'm so jealous it hurts, what the fuck. 

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