Chapter 10: Mine

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***A/N: Hi guys! I made some minor changes to the story that includes Christian's hair and when Andy spoke about how they would always speak on the window ledge. I changed his hair to black because I kept envisioning him as it and it bothered me so much😳 And with what I added by Chapter 1 where she speaks about it, just go back and read that part again so life makes more sense! Thanks guys x ***
I was jerked into a slender and tall body. I was sitting on an uncomfortable leather seat with a worn out cushion. In front of me was a large oak wood desk, with files, pens, highlighters, a Dragon paperweight and loose papers scattered on it.
Behind the unorganized desk was another leather chair facing the other way. There seemed to be a person sitting in it, concealing him/herself away.
" I know what I'm about to ask you, Talia, is a big commitment... But I trust no one else." Came the hoarse voice behind the chair.

As I Felt Talia's mouth open and spoke, " What is it, Alan." My- her voice was cold, but sounded softer than usual.
The chair turned slowly around to reveal a tired looking man who looked like a much older Christian. In fact, other than his dark brown eyes, he looked exactly like Christian.

He hesitated before looking me- Talia straight in the eye, " I need you to become his adoptive mother." He paused for a moment, " I can't take care of him by myself. I don't trust myself. Whenever I look in his eyes I see, Ratch....." his voice trailed off.
I felt Talia's body stiffen for a moment but slowly relaxed.

" I understand your grief, Alan. And I know you've been suffering ever since she... passed." She felt her heart constrict. She had liked her, she was a kind woman with wit and she brought the best out of Alan.

"Of course marriage wouldn't need to happen. We would strictly be 'co-parents' and nothing more. I could never be with another." He finished with pleading eyes.

" And of course, the law would prevent it. You know it is forbidden. How do you think that they would believe nothing else was happening if I were to become, Christian's adoptive mother?"

"I've already spoken to the Scale Council. They have given us permission." He looked hopeful.

"And what of my people's knowledge? I will not be a disgrace to my lineage." She said sharply.

"They have agreed. But he is not to enter your people's borders without permission from your village's Chief or elder? I'm not too sure how your people work." He laughed nervously.
Talia thought about it for a moment. Besides Ratchel, he was her only true friend.

" I will do it. But you promise to never bring him in harms way. I do not want to grow attach to someone who I will have to lose." She finished and saw a relieved expression on his face.

"Thank you, Talia. Now here are the adoption papers-"
His voice got caught off by my soul being jerked out and into my own again.

I blinked.
I saw Talia's pale face and quickly let go of me. She stepped back, she looked frightened.
"How... it- it cannot be." She stammered.

"Andy? What happened?" Asked Christian turning me towards him, he was confused.
"I- I..... I saw her memories..." I confessed, "Just like I saw Charlie's that day in school..."

"You what?" he utterered  furiously, " Why didn't you tell me!" He gripped tightly onto my arms.

" I didn't know what it was back then! And it's not like I mean to do it!" I pleaded, not used to seeing him angry.

" Soul jerking is extremely dangerous. You could get seriously hurt, Andrea!" He fumed, his now darkened honey eyes bore into mine.

" I'm sorry, okay?!" I pleaded as I dug my face into his now hot chest. His heart was hammering and he warmed me up until my soul started to burn. I gritted my teeth, trying not to flinch.
Christian loosened his grip and his heart started to slow down. The burn lessened and I was able to breath normally.
"Promise me that you won't ever do that again?" He asked, lifting my chin up to look at him. His eyes turned back to their beautiful honey color.
I hesitated but didn't want to upset him.
"I promise."
He sighed, content.
I turned around to see Talia boring her eyes at Christian and I .
" Andy, have you seen any.... strange sort of shadows?" Her question struck me out of nowhere. How could she know?

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