Chapter 9: Snowball Effect

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I stood in the middle of a large opening of the mountain top. The area around it was covered in towering pine trees, their lush green leaves glistening from the decoration of falling snowflakes.
My teeth were chattering. I zipped up my jacket and dug my hands in my pocket wishing that I'd brought gloves. I was watching Talia as she made snowmen. No seriously, she was building em'.
She formed huge balls of snow effortlessly with her thin fingers twirling in the air. She made about 12 and seemed satisfied.
She than began to create large snowballs growing taller than she was. She rolled them to the icy ramp she made earlier. She then proceeded to roll them onto the ramps and use a log to prevent it from rolling. It was amazing how she moved the log. By controlling dozens of snowflakes she made them carry the logs where they needed to be.

"Amazing," I whispered quietly to myself, not wanting to break her concentration.
I heard the crunching of snow behind me and I turned around. Christian was standing a few feet away and was rubbing his hands together. He had little flecks of snow on his coal black hair.
I saw a light orange simmer in his hands.
I walked slowly towards him and peered at his hands.
They were glowing a light orangey-yellow.
I reached my hand out to feel it's warmth.
"Aahhhh," I sighed gratefully. Christian chuckled.
"My personal heater," I teased while giving him a poke.

"Is that all I am to you?" He pouted before giving me a teasing smile. I stuck my tongue out at him. The cold air made it feel like my tastebuds were going to fall off. I shot it back in and tried to enjoy the heat.
Christian saw that I was still cold and frowned.

"Here," he said while wrapping his arms around my waist and hesitantly rested his face against mine, " That uh, better?" He asked sounding nervous.
I invited the warmth he gave me. I felt his cheek against mine, making my head a blur. His arms wrapped around me sent warmth to every inch of body.
My soul was set on fire once again, " This is good," I murmured.
Then the warmth turned into a painful burn. I yelped and shot backwards making myself fall into 2 ft of snow.



As I wrapped my arms around her I felt her body warming up. I rested my face against hers and closed my eyes. I had this weird cold sensation run from my finger tips to the rest of my body. I had this same feeling back at the window when I caught, Andy.
It felt like something inside of me grew cold. Which was weird considering I was a Fire Breather.
I grew colder and colder the longer I held her. But it wasn't that numbing, unbearable and unforgiving cold. It was the most amazing sensation that my body had ever felt and never wanted to leave.
" That uh, better?" I asked nervously. "Why was I so nervous?"  I Thought to myself. Who am I kidding? . My dragon was restless in my soul and wanted more of it.
My heart started to beat slower, my soul started getting lost in the fantastic feeling of the incredible cold.
" This is good," Was her quiet reply.
I smiled.
But was taken aback when she gave a small yelp and fell back into the deep snow.


"Andy, are you okay? What happened?" Asked Christian and he hosted me out of my snow hole.
I felt his warm hands and I wished I hadn't pulled away. But the burn was just too much.
"I-I..." I stammered trying to find the right words.
But a thought stopped me. Don't make him feel bad or confused, Andy. He's going through enough trouble as it is to help you.
I took a deep breathe and continued, " I thought I saw a spider on your shoulder. " I looked up at him with a lopsided grin.

He looked doubtful but shook it off.
"You clumsy baby," he poked me in the ribs. I laughed and shoved him away.

I saw Talia walking up to us and we immediately stopped what we were doing and waited patiently for her.
She stopped in front of us and gave us her signature cold stare before speaking.
"I've devised a course to help awaken your gifts, it might not come quick and it might take days, even weeks to get them going. You've only just touched your gifts and we need to know what lies within you." She finished before fishing out a rigid stainless steel necklace.
"Put this on. It will help you channel your gift easier."
I slipped it on. It felt cold against my skin.
"We are going to start with those snowmen. Now they look like an easy challenge but for someone who has no clue of what sort of power she possesses they will be a challenge," she looked me straight in the eye, her icy glare softening for a moment.
"Any questions? It's best you ask now so you don't have doubts before we begin."

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