Chapter 13: Snowflakes

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I slowly packed the last of my chosen items in my black rucksack. Talia had said to pack light. Only the essentials. But I let myself put in a picture of my mom and my brother, because I didn't know how long I'd be gone for.
I forced in a sketch pad with drawing supplies, I wanted to capture everything I saw on paper.
I decided to leave my phone behind, because I knew that I wasn't going to need it.
I stood in front of my door and turned around. Taking in every little detail I could. I inhaled my rooms scent. Hints of honey and coco wafted through, thanks to my air freshener.
I slowly closed the door and made my way down to where my mom and brother were eating their afternoon chicken mayo sandwiches.

My mom looked up as she heard my heavy footsteps enter the kitchen.
" Your sandwich is ready, Sweetie," Cooed my mom.
Colton looked at me mischievously and said through chewing, " Mom made mine the best!"
I smiled sadly.
My mom saw my saddened expression and put down her sandwich.

" Andy, Sweetie, what's the matter?" She asked softly.
After a lot of persistence and pushing, Talia said I could tell my mother as long as she didn't tell anyone. Talia said that my mother would probably not believe me.
I pursed my lips.
I'd rehearsed this thousands of times over in my head while I packed.
But it all seemed to fade into the depths of my memory.
I looked at Colton, happily divulging himself with pieces of chicken on the corners of his mouth. He's to young to understand this. Heck! Would my mom even understand?

" Colton, I need to speak to, Mom. Please give us a moment," I asked sweetly.
Colton was about to protest until he saw my sad expression. He silently nodded and went over to his play-mat covered with cars,action figures, dinosaurs and other random toys.
My mom looked at me and motioned me to sit down.
I sat down warily and faced her. She waited for me to speak.
I knew that if I was going to go through with this, it had to be now.
"I have to leave..." I started, confusion written on my mothers beautiful face, " I know this is going to sound crazy but I have...," I paused and took a deep breath, " Gifts.... Like..... Powers. I only discovered them recently and Talia and Christian are gifted too! Talia has the gift of ice and Christian can well... turn into a dragon." I finished, letting out the air that I was holding. I expected my mom to burst out laughing in my face. But she didn't, her eyes were focused on her teacup that was next to her plate. Her hands were folded over each other in front of her.

" And I have to leave now, I accidentally used one of my gifts in public and I need to leave to.. to... I don't even know why but what I do know is that it has to be done," I said quickly and shakily.

My mom looked up, her grey eyes looked at me knowingly, " I believe you," she whispered, I almost fell off my chair, " Your father, he was... gifted too."
My eyes widened and my throat tightened. My mother never spoke about my father. He up and left us when I was 9 years old. My mother was pregnant with Colton. I thought he abounded us. And I hated him for it. He had left my mother to look after Colton and I all by herself.

" He's gifted?" I whispered back.
My mother nodded.

" You see, Sweetie. Your father was an amazing man, a man who I fell in love with and married. I was very aware of his abilities and the responsibility that came with it. The day came when he had to leave to protect us. He told me not to tell you or, Colton, because he didn't want to burden you. He loved you both so very much, even if he never got to meet Colton." My mother's eyes teared.
My head felt overwhelmed with emotion. He didn't abandon us. He loved us. He's gifted.
It made perfect sense, that's why Talia said my lineage is strong.

" The chances of you being gifted were slim. That's why I never really thought about it. He said that he felt something in you but it was faint. He thought that if we immersed you with normal people, it would fade away. But honestly, I'm glad it didn't work." She clasped my hands tight.

" What about Colton, is he also gifted?" I asked next.
My mom shook her head.

" When a Gifted and a human conceive. The only possibility of their child being gifted is when it is the first born, the second born and the rest will not inherit it." She explained.
I nodded my head.

"Do you have anything else that would be useful?" I asked hesitantly.

My mom pursed her lip and shook her head slowly, " I can tell you so much my, Dear. But I know I mustn't, it is for you to find out. Even though I am burning to reveal to you about your lineage and abilities your father told me about. I know it would not be fair to steal the thrill of figuring it out yourself." She finished.

I understood. This was for the best.
"Could you..." My mother paused, looking at me hopefully, " Could you show me..." she trailed off.
I knew what she meant. She wanted to see my gifts. I nodded, a small smile on my face.
I closed my eyes and thought about my mother's delicate face, her graceful smile and her sparkling grey eyes.
I opened my eyes and saw small, delicate and shiny snowflakes drift down around her. One landed on her nose.
Her eyes sparkled in a deep pool of remembrance. Her eyes misted.
She closed them and let a tear drop trickle down her cheek.
"You know what's beautiful?" She asked, with her eyes still closed, " This is the same thing your father showed me the first time I ever asked him to, when he told me about his gift." She smiled contentedly.
My eyes burnt with a wall of tears edging on my lids, I let them slide down my cheeks and onto the blue woven table cloth.
She opened her eyes again.
"I know you must leave soon but please, eat with us?" She asked hopefully. I dried my eyes while nodding my head yes.

"Come back, Colton!" I called half-Laughing.
Colton came skipping back and continued to eat his lunch.
My mother looked at me one more time before getting back to her food.
I took a bite of my sandwich and let it's amazing taste linger in my mouth. I might not taste, Mom's cooking for a while. I thought.

We joked and had light-hearted conversation as we ate.
And for a second.

I forgot about the path that lay before me.

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