Chase x reader: Chemistry

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Type: Fluff • Word Count: 1543 • Genre: Sweet

(Y/N)=Your Name (Y/L/N)=Your Last Name (Y/E/C)=Your Eye Color

(Your P.O.V.)

Lazily twirling your pencil between your index finger and middle finger, you sighed staring at the white clock on the wall.

How much longer must we suffer? You think to yourself as your Chemistry teacher drones on about something or the other.

Looking to your right you see a tan, brunette boy with spiked hair hanging on to every word as he scribbled down equations.

The teacher then said, "And now I'll pass out test results." Her glasses slid down the bridge of her crooked nose as various students groaned, including you. She passed out marked test papers. Some students grinned. Others cringed. The boy to your right let out an audible cheer. You gave him a perplexed look raising your brow. He grinned sheepishly looking around, then returned to smiling broadly.

Rolling your eyes because you know you had to have failed, the teacher approached you. She didn't look at you, and you received a yellow post-it note that read in big letters, "SEE ME AFTER CLASS" Scrawled across it.

You groaned leaning your head against your chair. Great. A little part of you was hoping that you passed, but no results. Your grades had slowly been dropping as of late, and if you didn't step it up your teacher said summer school may be a possibility.

The bell rang signifying Chemistry was over, and you sat back in your seat discouraged. The boy with the brunette hair and good grade for some reason also stayed behind. "Probably asking questions about his fantastic grade." You think to yourself.

Students started to leave as the familiar sound of scraping chairs and overlapping chatter filled the room.

Once everyone left the teacher motioned for you to come to her desk. Confused you did so. Why did she not make that other kid leave?

Your teacher slid forward a test paper. Swallowing you looked down. A big, fat, red F stood in stark contrast against the white. You let out a sigh. "Ms. (Y/L/N) I thought you said you were going to step it up. Study harder. Get better grades! This," she exclaimed, pointing to your shoddy result, "Is not the (Y/N) I know. What's wrong?" She asked taking off her glasses.

"Nothing." You mumble. You looked down at your feet. Truth is, you didn't study. You glanced over your textbook and notes, but you just didn't care anymore. You felt that obviously you weren't smart enough, you wouldn't make it. Not like that kid who was happy about his grade. That was never you.

You looked up, "Does this mean your gonna ship me off to summer school?" You ask feigning a faint laugh. Your teacher rubbed her temples, "Well... not yet. I still have hope for you Ms. (Y/L/N). So you will have a tutor."

What? A tutor? No, you could do it yourself! "I don't need a tutor." You say forcefully. "Well, your scores say otherwise. I'm giving you a second chance Ms. (Y/L/N). Don't look a gift horse in the mouth." Your teacher berated. You would never hear the end of this. Having a tutor means you need help, and you like being independent you needed help from no one. But you may fail Chemistry...

"Who's my tutor?" You respond as your way of complying. Soft footsteps sound behind you and a male voice speaks, "Uh, me." You turn around. It was the teen who got the good grade.

He wore a blue and white plaid shirt over a solid blue t-shirt with black vans. His skin was a smooth tan and he had pink lips that were stretched into a smile. His hazel eyes stared at you hesitantly as they sparkled.

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