Adam x Reader: Food Fight

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Type: Fluff • Word Count: 1854 • Genre: Playful

(Y/N)= Your Name (Y/E/C)= Your Eye colour

(Third Person P.O.V.)

Thundering footsteps pounded down the Davenport's stairs. Adam jumped the last two landing with a loud thud. He was crouched low, and was scanning the room with his brown eyes, looking somewhat like a parascope sticking out of water and searching the ocean.

"I SMELL COOKIES!" He yelled excitedly scrambling towards the kitchen using the couch as a springboard in the process. Tasha and you smile. "Yes, we're baking cookies. Would you like some?" Tasha inquires mixing the chocolaty liquid in a bowl. You checked the cookies already in the oven, and started to bring more baking pans.

"Would I!" Adam exclaims a happy smile on his face. He washed his large hands in the sink and rolled up his red sleeves.

Leo and Chase come in from the hall. "Hey guys." You greet them.

Leo's black eyes widen, and he mischievously looks at the oven which displayed browning, chocolate chip, cookies. He looks up at his mother, "Mom?" He questions. "Yes?" She asks, raising a brow. "Is that the wonderful aroma of cookies that I smell?" He presses. "Perhaps." You answer instead of Tasha, a smirk on your face. Chase approaches the counter. "Perhaps we men could partake in tasting these cookies?" He says gesturing to him and Leo.

"Sure they can! When will they be here?" You joke innocently. Tasha and Adam laugh with you, as her sons glower at them. "Oh, I get it because they're still little boys!" Adam chortles, showcasing a ridiculous smile. Leo and Chase look at him as if to say, 'Really?'

Awh, sweet, loveable, Adam. You think to yourself. Wait, what?

"Wait," Chase says looking at Adam then turning to you and Tasha, "Is Adam helping bake these cookies?" "Uh, yes!" Adam replies his tone of voice saying, 'Are you stupid or something?' Abruptly, Chase and Leo back away. "Abort, abort! These cookies are no longer safe!" Leo cries.

"You mean Adam can't bake?" You ask. "Last time, he got near a stove we ended up having to air out our house," Leo explained, "And airing out a place like this takes a very long time." He finished gesturing to their huge mansion-like house. The Davenports nodded, reminiscing that oh-so-fun moment.

With that Leo and Chase turn on their heels and left promptly.

You told Adam to spray the baking pan with oil, as you put on mitts to take out the freshly baked cookies.

"TASHA!!" Mr. Davenport yelled loudly from upstairs. She rolled her eyes. "YES!!" She yelled back. "WHERE IS MY SUIT MADE OF MONEY!" He shrieked. "DONALD, IF YOU EVEN THINK OF WEARING THAT HORRIBLE SUIT IN PUBLIC SO HELP ME..." She yelled angrily, setting down the mixing bowl with a clunk, then marched her way up to their room.

"Ooh," Adam said wincing, "That's not gonna be pretty argument." You chuckled, slipping off oven mitts. You turned your back to him to put the mitts back up, and suddenly heard him yelp. "Ow! Ow!" You whirled back around to see Adam with his index finger in his mouth to cool it off. "Adam, obviously they're cooling off!" You berate inspecting his little burn. It wasn't even bad, but he liked you babying him.

"Oh, wait I'll use my blowy-thingy to cool it off." He said, as he sucked in a bunch of air and expelled it on his finger. It also cooled off the cookies behind his finger. Noticing this you carefully pressed your pinky against one of the cookies. It felt normal.

Lightbulb. "Dude, Adam," you say your eyes sparkling, "do you realize how fast we could bake cookies?" You ask, an idea forming in your head. Adam was already chomping on a cookie, and with his mouth full he said, "No." "Think about it, if I could fit as many cookies in the oven as possible, when they were done, you could cool them off in seconds!" You say brainstorming. "Forget that," Adam pipes up, "I could use my heat vision!" "You're right!" You grin, and you high-five each other.

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