Chase x reader: Never [REQUEST]

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Requested by: labratsfan333444
I followed the plot that labratsfan333444 requested. Hope you like! (I apologize for the huge wait. I'm so incredibly sorry.)

Type: Fluff/Action • Word Count: 4424 Words • Genre: Sweet

(Y/N)= Your Name (Y/E/C)= Your Eye Color

Sitting in the underground laboratory, you scrolled through your (insert social media app) feed, and came across an old photo of Marcus and you.

His eyes crinkled up when he smiled, his arm draped around your shoulder, and both of your smiles were brighter than the sun.

"We were so happy." You can't help but think regretfully. Leo was right. You couldn't trust him. Marcus was faking all along.

Angrily, you deleted the photo of your smiling faces from your feed. Bree sat down next to you, "Are you still sulking?" She asked. Seeing your phone screen. You sighed, "Maybe." Bree pouted her lower lip sympathetically, "(Y/N) you gotta let it go." She patted your shoulder gently.

Marcus and Douglas made their appearance in Davenport's lab three days ago. Davenport locked himself away in his room working on updating security, and raving about his brother and his stupidity. None of his family had seen him since it happened. No one saw it coming. They infiltrated their lab, and threatened the Davenports. He was absolutely livid.

Leo, who was sitting at his 'Mission Specialist' desk, turned to face the two of you in his chair. "Well, who would have guessed, that Marcus was a backstabbing sociopath?" He rhetorically said. Leo's dark eyes bulged out from his tan face, as he looked at you pointedly.

"Shuddup, Leo. We don't need anymore gloating." Bree took up for you rolling her brown eyes.

Adam sat quietly on top of the holo-desk as Chase stood solemnly behind him. "Whatever. He is an idiot. Why they ever have to find the stupid lab?" You whine shutting off you smartphone.

"Because they're evil villians, and hate Mr. Davenport and want to ruin our lives!" Said Adam, stating the obvious. "Thanks Adam," you say, "that really clears things up." He nods and smiles as if to say 'your welcome'.

Chase stayed silent, mulling over everything that had happened.

He couldn't believe it. No one could. Save Leo of course, but Marcus fooled them all into thinking he was their friend! Made (Y/N) believe he loved her, only to throw it back in her face. Just to get to them. The bionic trio. So much for saving the world, all he did was put people he cared about in danger.

"Chase. You okay?" You ask looking at your friend. Chase snapped out of it, "Yeah, yeah. Just-uh- wondering when Mr. Davenport will join the world again." He smiled, displaying perfect teeth, his voice wavering.

"Speaking of which," Bree inquired, "why aren't helping you Mr. Davenport anyway. Aren't you his right hand man?" She looked at Chase, as well as everyone else. He squirmed uncomfortably, "He said he didn't need me." Chase said quietly looking down at his slightly calloused hands.

"He didn't need you?" You ask surprised. "Since when has Mr. Davenport not needed you?" Adam said irridiculously confusion blatant on his face looking at his younger brother.

You all stay quiet. Mr. Davenport needed Chase's intellect, since when did that end?

"Since Mr. Davenport wanted to protect us." Leo piped up his voice serious, "since Douglas may be more dangerous than any other disaster you three have faced."

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