Chase x Reader: Hall Monitor

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Type: Fluff • Word Count: 1534 • Genre: Sad

(Y/N)= Your name (Y/H/C)= Your Hair Color

(Your P.O.V.)

Your old leather jacket hung loosely around your shoulders as you wrapped it tighter around you. You didn't even bother brushing your hair that morning being you woke up late. Bleary-eyed when your alarm clock gave final warning earlier, you found a cleanish t-shirt lying on the ground and slipped on your favourite pair of jeans.

Now you were approaching your high school. How long have you been away from good ol' Mission Creek this time? One week? Two? You can't remeber.

As of late the days just seem like one blurry mess of nothing. Loud nights due to your father's alcoholic habits, and tearful mornings from his hangovers and fights with whatever one-night stand he had that day.

You were tired of it. No one to take you to school, you normally missed the bus. Your father personally told you he didn't care if you went or not. That making an 86 in English was pathetic, to try harder, to do whatever the crap he rambles about.

And you decided not to care. You decided to s lack off. Who cared? Who cared if you graduated? Principal Perry? Ha! Yeah, right.

You were alone and as far as you were concerned it was fine by you. Who dried your late-night tears? No one. Who helped you study? No one. Who would ask you 'how was your day?' No one. That's the way it was, and it shall always be.

You threw open the entrance doors of Mission Creek, ratty shoes squeaking against the floor. Where was everybody? Were you late again?

You decided just to sneak into your first period class, and sit in your dusty desk. Hopefully there wouldn't be any hall monitors..

You quietly roamed through the foyer of the school trying to make it to the staircase. Not a sound was heard within the school. Great. You were definitely late, everyone is probably thirty minutes into their class.

You tiptoed up the stairs. "Hey!" Called a male voice. You cringed, great just great. A freakin hall monitor.

Maybe if you kept walking they'd go away, maybe they didn't see you. "Hello!" Yeah, fat chance. "Stop, you should be in class!" Called the superior voice.

You groaned throwing your head back, "Yeah? And? What difference will it make for me?" You scoff leaning casually against the wall. "Yeah, i got here an hour late or something. At this point im not sure, but who cares!" You throw your hands in the air for extra emphasis on your sarcasm.

You looked down at the stupid hall monitor from the steps of the stairs. "Because I know you dont. I just want out of here." You blabber on. "You know-" you begin before the hall monitor cuts you short, "Go to Principal Perry. Just please be quiet!" "Fine." You growl.

Who knows maybe this time she'll actually put some bite in her bark. She has threatened to call the county on you for not attending school, but only if it wasn't for her awful taxes.

As loudly as you can you stomp down the stairs each foot thudding hard on the step. The hall monitor whirled around, "SHH!!" He shushed you rather noisily, his finger pressed against his lips. You cock an eyebrow as if to say 'or what?'

The boy jerks his hand to the wall to show a sign that says "Be Quiet in the Halls at all Times." You ignore him completely continuing to stomp as you go down the steps, but this time louder.

Thud. Thud. Thud.

"Quiet." The monitor hissed waiting impatiently at the bottom of the stairwell. You stare right at him and deliberately jump right of the last step, SMACK! Your worn out shoes slap loudly against the linoleum, the sound echoing through empty halls.

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